I tell you man, doing an audio blog is harder than it sounded. So please forgive my stammering and and and... stuttering and and and..... you know, boo boos along the way.

- Voxeros
1. jaschocolate left...
Monday, 1 August 2005 1:51 pm
Haha.. sugar daddy.. u sounded so cute and unsure... For a moment, your voice reminded me a little of a actor, the one who starred with James Lye in Triple 9 (Lim Yu Beng??).. nice try, daddy... i wont have the guts to do it..
2. vandice left...
Monday, 1 August 2005 1:54 pm
nabeh! poke my eye ah? uncle seng... mai an neh leh, uncle-with sexy voice...you sound gr8, 1st gen geek! I am really so paiseh after listening to your post. Mine pales when compared to your measured post... Do more do more! I buy you one round when we're both back in Sing okie?
3. JayWalk left...
Eh, do one leh... I curious to hear what you sound like. If you want, MSN or Yahoo me and I will share some pointers with you on how to not fall flat on your face when recording in a single take.
Vandice: Ok lah brudder. As long as got beer. Peace.
Sexy voice? Wait till I do a recording at 5am in the morning. Comfirm all the char bohs sure nose bleed one.
BTW, don't pale here pale there lah. You also buay pai mah. Don't forget, you are the reason why I started this ok?
You buy me beer, I also buy you beer lah. On bor?
Monday, 1 August 2005 2:19 pm ::
jaschocolate: You still remember Yu Beng? Wow, is he still on screen these days. I remember seeing him on stage pretty often as I am an avid theatre fan.Eh, do one leh... I curious to hear what you sound like. If you want, MSN or Yahoo me and I will share some pointers with you on how to not fall flat on your face when recording in a single take.
Vandice: Ok lah brudder. As long as got beer. Peace.
Sexy voice? Wait till I do a recording at 5am in the morning. Comfirm all the char bohs sure nose bleed one.
BTW, don't pale here pale there lah. You also buay pai mah. Don't forget, you are the reason why I started this ok?
You buy me beer, I also buy you beer lah. On bor?
4. akk left...
Monday, 1 August 2005 2:30 pm
muahahahahahah!!!! OK, first up! I was cringing initially, but towards the end, my frens neeeded to slap me on the back to calm me down from laughing too much.... u should do more of this to make me clear my nasal passage...thanks! *akk stop urinating*
5. vandice left...
Monday, 1 August 2005 2:44 pm
Did I say beer? We go wine bar lah... Kekeke...
6. JayWalk left...
akk: Har.... you laughed until lao jio har? Wah liao... that is beyond nose bleed leh... wait till you hear my 5am voice.... hur hur hur....
Vandice: Beer? Winebar? Anything lah.... as long as go lim jiu can liao.
akk: Har.... you laughed until lao jio har? Wah liao... that is beyond nose bleed leh... wait till you hear my 5am voice.... hur hur hur....
Vandice: Beer? Winebar? Anything lah.... as long as go lim jiu can liao.
7. ei|een left...
"poke your eye".. "uncle beng".. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *falls off chair laughing*
Monday, 1 August 2005 2:56 pm
actually hor, your voice quite nice leh. soothing. not irritating like *some* of the radio djs out there. heh."poke your eye".. "uncle beng".. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *falls off chair laughing*
8. JayWalk left...
ei|een: Orr you mean those with the fake amerlikan accent har?
Acherly, I wondered if Rockson were to do an audio blog... wah... language will be damn colourful man...
ei|een: Orr you mean those with the fake amerlikan accent har?
Acherly, I wondered if Rockson were to do an audio blog... wah... language will be damn colourful man...
9. Pam left...
Monday, 1 August 2005 5:13 pm
hey Jay.... good to hear the voice again! :) last time we spoke, a couple of weeks back on me bday?! the tornado/hurricane's gone. quite jialat the pictures!
10. The Angry Little Girl left...
I'm sorry, I really can't resist callin you uncle.. been trying to hold that back for quite some time already...
Uncle.. uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle.
You are sooo gonna take the star off me... =X
Monday, 1 August 2005 6:14 pm
Uncle, your voice is bery nice leh!I'm sorry, I really can't resist callin you uncle.. been trying to hold that back for quite some time already...
Uncle.. uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle.
You are sooo gonna take the star off me... =X
11. JayWalk left...
Pam: Yeah... I stutter and stammer less when I get the chance to gather my thoughts when it was your turn to talk.
Too bad you dun have blog or the tornado pictures would have made an interesting blog.
AngryLittleGirl*: Sigh.... I should look at it on the bright side right? For after all, mrbrown is GrandPa. I should be thanking my lucky stars? No?
But one thing about voices, somehow I feel that I sound different on media than in real life. Either that or I am really hearing what I sound to other people.
Pam: Care to answer this?
Pam: Yeah... I stutter and stammer less when I get the chance to gather my thoughts when it was your turn to talk.
Too bad you dun have blog or the tornado pictures would have made an interesting blog.
AngryLittleGirl*: Sigh.... I should look at it on the bright side right? For after all, mrbrown is GrandPa. I should be thanking my lucky stars? No?
But one thing about voices, somehow I feel that I sound different on media than in real life. Either that or I am really hearing what I sound to other people.
Pam: Care to answer this?
12. vanna left...
nice voice you have...not much stuttering lah.
do more of this.. maybe once 2 week.
like radio deejay. this is Jaywalk signing out. hahaha
Monday, 1 August 2005 9:47 pm
wow... nice voice you have...not much stuttering lah.
do more of this.. maybe once 2 week.
like radio deejay. this is Jaywalk signing out. hahaha
13. The Angry Little Girl left...
aiya, everyone says the same thing when they do self-recording.
Monday, 1 August 2005 10:27 pm
Yeap, always look on the bright side~ And this probably means you are on par with other uncles, likes cowboy =) aiya, everyone says the same thing when they do self-recording.
14. hitomi left...
Yeah, do more do more.
Monday, 1 August 2005 10:32 pm
With more practice sure will be very "zai". ;-) Yeah, do more do more.
15. Pam left...
am v tempted to blog. but think i'll end up blogging on very limited issues and might end up pissing some people off... ! not you lah, of course. or MP, or any of the usual suspects! we'll see.. we'll see.
Monday, 1 August 2005 11:26 pm
it's your perception of how you sound to people. combined with distortion of background noise, media, analogue/digital divide.... erm, you want more jargon? :)am v tempted to blog. but think i'll end up blogging on very limited issues and might end up pissing some people off... ! not you lah, of course. or MP, or any of the usual suspects! we'll see.. we'll see.
16. Zhe Bin left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 3:57 am
hahaha. "smell each other.. erm.. nvm." haha~ eh seriously you do sound a bit like lim yu beng.
17. JayWalk left...
AngryLittlegirl*: On par with the other uncles. sigh.... *resigned to fate*
hitomi: Won't it sound fake if I damn "zai" with the recording?
Pam: You know me in person. Now tell me if I sound that same in the audio blog and in real person?
Zhe bin: Hmm.... Yu Beng is a Beng ok... So he and I cannot be the same person. Besides, I doubt if Yu Beng would POKE you eye. :P
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 4:08 am ::
vanna: Do more har? Need a topic to kick start it leh. The blogs and dogs one quite lucky to have that stroke of inspiration.AngryLittlegirl*: On par with the other uncles. sigh.... *resigned to fate*
hitomi: Won't it sound fake if I damn "zai" with the recording?
Pam: You know me in person. Now tell me if I sound that same in the audio blog and in real person?
Zhe bin: Hmm.... Yu Beng is a Beng ok... So he and I cannot be the same person. Besides, I doubt if Yu Beng would POKE you eye. :P
18. jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 9:56 am
orr.. i dont have guts lah.. haha.. You dont want Lim Yu Beng, then must help u find some ah Seng name liao..
19. JayWalk left...
jaschocolate: I've nothing against Yu Beng. In fact, I think he is a cool down-to-earthy kinda guy.
So is Yu Beng active in the local media lately?
jaschocolate: I've nothing against Yu Beng. In fact, I think he is a cool down-to-earthy kinda guy.
So is Yu Beng active in the local media lately?
20. jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 9:59 am
And then hor, what is your msn email???? Mine is ***********@hotmail.com.. add me leh
21. zeenie left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 10:34 am
Cool stuff!! Can't wait for more! Maybe a joint effort with other dogs, i mean blogs? LOL
22. JayWalk left...
zeenie: Well, I'll sniff yours if you sniff mine. Oh dear... that sounded really gross. LOL!
zeenie: Well, I'll sniff yours if you sniff mine. Oh dear... that sounded really gross. LOL!
23. Eddy left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 3:06 pm
*starts peeing* hahaha, very nice leh. Do more lah, very few audio blogs in singapore. would be nice to hear from one more source. *ends peeing"
24. JayWalk left...
Eddy: Let me think about it and toy with the idea for a while. Maybe an audio blog once a month?
BTW, make sure you go wash your hands after peeing on my blog.
Eddy: Let me think about it and toy with the idea for a while. Maybe an audio blog once a month?
BTW, make sure you go wash your hands after peeing on my blog.
25. hitomi left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 3:10 pm
I think Lim Yu Beng's more active in the theatre nowadays. The last time I saw him, he was in this "Dunk-A-Celebrity" at a charity carnival. Quite cool in his bandanna and of cos, toned bod. *drool*
26. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 3:32 pm ::
hitomi: You also a theatre fan? I used to attend a lot of plays. I was even in some of them as technical crew.
27. hitomi left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 4:35 pm
Don't really attend plays after I left school. I prefer musicals.
28. Pam left...
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 5:10 pm
sound exactly the same - maybe louder, less 'hesitant' in real life?!
29. CiN left...
i had a good laugh! hahaha. you sounded quite nervous and a little bit like daniel ong somehow. hahaha. maybe its the 1st time, thats why it was a little awkward lo. but its quite nice! :)
i had a good laugh! hahaha. you sounded quite nervous and a little bit like daniel ong somehow. hahaha. maybe its the 1st time, thats why it was a little awkward lo. but its quite nice! :)
30. JayWalk left...
hitomi: Well musicals are few and far in between in Singapore. They have it in Las Vegas too.
Pam: Really, strangely I always thought that it sounded different from real life.
CiN: Who is Daniel Ong? Sorry har? I away from Singapore for too long liao.
Not really nervous lah but doing a monologue unscripted is more difficult than you think. Even David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien had the tele-prompter in front of them.
hitomi: Well musicals are few and far in between in Singapore. They have it in Las Vegas too.
Pam: Really, strangely I always thought that it sounded different from real life.
CiN: Who is Daniel Ong? Sorry har? I away from Singapore for too long liao.
Not really nervous lah but doing a monologue unscripted is more difficult than you think. Even David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien had the tele-prompter in front of them.
31. lancerlord left...
And you sounded great ah, Ah Seng. Very cool and natural. Woof!
Tuesday, 2 August 2005 11:37 pm :: http://lancerlord.blogspot.com
At least now you've got your own Jay-Cast brand. Achievement sia! And you sounded great ah, Ah Seng. Very cool and natural. Woof!
32. JayWalk left...
Lancerlord: Well, what can I say? Thank you for peeing here? wahahaha....
Lancerlord: Well, what can I say? Thank you for peeing here? wahahaha....
33. hitomi left...
Wednesday, 3 August 2005 12:06 am
So, with all the compliments, that means more voice blogs to come? ;-)
34. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 3 August 2005 12:19 am ::
hitomi: Maybe. Let's see if I can find another interesting topic to yak about.
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