Continuing from earlier episode...
Secret Location: WTP, 25 Sep 2005 2100 ZULU
It was an hour before I arrived at my Tactical HQ disguised as the World Trade Plaza hotel.
Agent AP1: Welcome to GILA Tactical HQ. We have arranged the 16th floor to be your Ops Room.
Agent-J: Thank you. I see you guys have done a good job here. The hotel looks full. Better to allow us to disappear into the crowd.
Agent AP1: There is a Journalist Convention going on this week and the place is packed with them.
Agent-J: Ahh... the perfect cover for me.
Agent AP1: ?
Agent-J: I blogger mah... so I technically also considered journalist what.
Agents AP1 & AP2: -_-"
Agent-J: It's a joke lah. Not funny meh?
Agents AP1 & AP2: -_-"
Agent-J: May I remind you that your annual appraisal is due soon and I was wondering what to write... Perhaps I should recommend that you two go for the Whack-a-Terrorist Facility (WTF) course in Tikrit...
Agent-J: :)
Secret Location: WJX, 26 Sep 2005 0940 ZULU
We hit the ground running when we reached Camp Burgundy Buffalo as I headed straight to verify my identity with another submission of my DNA sample (Picture left).
We set up all our equipment and went into the production lab and started tracing the manufacturing process from the start.
This is the drum where all the raw hides are tumbled inside to remove all the hair, lipids, pigment, warts and all.
At the end of the tumbling, all leather, be they black, brown or machiam like Gateway computer carton box, will all look like this. It's white with a tinge of blue. Perhaps this is where Cow Peh Cow Blue originated? The reason for needing to remove all the color is so that you are able to have a consistent colour with every piece. Just like having a fresh white sheet of canvas with every new painting.

This is the spray conveyor that does the colour magic.
In order to get Burgundy, we have to go through many process of coats. This brown here is the base coat. The first of many steps towards the final colour.
Once we got the final colour, it is sent to another tumbler for softening.
It's one last coat of sheen before hanging them up to dry.
Along every stage, we need to take readings of the color to ensure that it stays on the path towards the final Burgundy.
The very last reading is the most important as it will decide whether it is a go or no go. Delta-E at 0.88 is not exactly ideal (that would be 0.60 or less) but we deemed it good enough to begin mass production.
Mission Accomplished.
Secret Location: SJW, 27 Sep 2005 1125 ZULU
I returned to the airport where the local command centre was and the wireless PDA sprang to life.
Hi, my name is JayWalk. Did I miss much this couple of days?
... Next up. The Supplement - My Mouth No More Virgin. Click Here.

It was an hour before I arrived at my Tactical HQ disguised as the World Trade Plaza hotel.
Agent AP1: Welcome to GILA Tactical HQ. We have arranged the 16th floor to be your Ops Room.
Agent-J: Thank you. I see you guys have done a good job here. The hotel looks full. Better to allow us to disappear into the crowd.
Agent AP1: There is a Journalist Convention going on this week and the place is packed with them.
Agent-J: Ahh... the perfect cover for me.
Agent AP1: ?
Agent-J: I blogger mah... so I technically also considered journalist what.
Agents AP1 & AP2: -_-"
Agent-J: It's a joke lah. Not funny meh?
Agents AP1 & AP2: -_-"
Agent-J: May I remind you that your annual appraisal is due soon and I was wondering what to write... Perhaps I should recommend that you two go for the Whack-a-Terrorist Facility (WTF) course in Tikrit...
Agent-J: :)
Secret Location: WJX, 26 Sep 2005 0940 ZULU

We set up all our equipment and went into the production lab and started tracing the manufacturing process from the start.

Mission Accomplished.
Secret Location: SJW, 27 Sep 2005 1125 ZULU
I returned to the airport where the local command centre was and the wireless PDA sprang to life.
> *** START OF MESSAGE *** > Assignment: Accomplished and Completed. > Agent Status: Deactivated and Return to Civilian Status. > *** END OF MESSAGE *** |
Hi, my name is JayWalk. Did I miss much this couple of days?
... Next up. The Supplement - My Mouth No More Virgin. Click Here.
- Voxeros
1. akk left...
and what will happen to the rejected leather? throw away?
Tuesday, 27 September 2005 10:59 pm
Brilliant post, man, esp the WTF... The whole colouring process is damn interesting also! So that small white box is the extremely expensive colorimeter? wah lau.... and what will happen to the rejected leather? throw away?
2. JayWalk left...
Anyway, when leather is rejected, it goes back to the conveyor to be corrected if the colour is too light.
If it is too dark, then the tannery needs to start looking for customers to buy the "new" colour, usually at a very heavily discounted rate.
This is why, we calibrate colour very carefully.
Tuesday, 27 September 2005 11:07 pm ::
Akk: Aww gee... *blush*. Thanks for the pat on the back. Anyway, when leather is rejected, it goes back to the conveyor to be corrected if the colour is too light.
If it is too dark, then the tannery needs to start looking for customers to buy the "new" colour, usually at a very heavily discounted rate.
This is why, we calibrate colour very carefully.
3. hitomi left...
Wednesday, 28 September 2005 10:07 pm
interesting! :)
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