Project Hard Rock Bear was an idea that I started when I was in University and after more than 10 years, I am glad that it has finally come to an end.
It all started when a friend gave me a HRC bear when she was on vacation. Then the light bulb of idea lit up above my head as I embarked on this project to collect as many HRC Bears from as many locations as I can. The objective was to give it to my daughter eventually and God must have looked favourable upon me as I was blessed with a girl as my first born.
The locations include:
- Boston
- Barcelona
- Los Angeles
- Washington DC
- Singapore
- Hong Kong
- London
- Niagra Falls - 2 versions
- Sydney
- Kowloon
- Osaka
- Bangkok
- Amsterdam
- Tokyo
- San Francisco
- Makati
- Paris
- Kuala Lumpur
- Taipei
- New York
21 in all. My thanks to all the friends who had taken the time to get the bears to contribute to my collection.

Finally, the time has come as I hand over the bears to her. I think probably it will take another few years before she can fully appreciate the journey that each bear has taken to be with her and I guess for now, mommy is going to store them into boxes until she is older. The bears belong to her from hereon forwards.
Will I continue to collect more? Perhaps, if I have the chance. I totally forgot when I was in Memphis, New Orleans and Las Vegas earlier or I would have added another 3 to the collection.
Oh well. Next time perhaps.
- Voxeros
1. akk left...
Thursday, 8 September 2005 12:22 pm
wahhhhh.....so many plushies!!! And faith looks cute enough to hug too! in all seriousness, I'm sure Faith will appreciate the significance of each and every bear when she is older. then she'll have an inkling of e extent of dad's immense love for her. And his sentimentality.... I salute you, both as a fren and as another loving dad's daughter (who knows). 2. ei|een left...
so many bears!! so cuuuuute!
and when your daughter grows up and starts travelling herself, she can continue her father's legacy. wah, your grandchild is gonna have a HUGE teddy bear collection! ;)
Thursday, 8 September 2005 1:41 pm
wah.. people collect tshirts, you collect bears. but at least its more unique! heh. so many bears!! so cuuuuute!
and when your daughter grows up and starts travelling herself, she can continue her father's legacy. wah, your grandchild is gonna have a HUGE teddy bear collection! ;)
3. hitomi left...
Thursday, 8 September 2005 1:50 pm
Taipei HRC closed down liao, lucky you. I tried collecting the shotglasses, but gave up halfway. Uncle really got patience. 4. JayWalk left... Akk: I only scared she don't see it the same way. Then all that's left will be a box of dusty bears stowed deep at the back of the storeroom.
ei|een: Teddy bears easier to keep and more lasting than t-shirts mah.
hitomi obasan: Kowloon one also closed down. Next time, I got Vegas, I go keep a look out for HRC shotglasses for you.
ei|een: Teddy bears easier to keep and more lasting than t-shirts mah.
hitomi obasan: Kowloon one also closed down. Next time, I got Vegas, I go keep a look out for HRC shotglasses for you.
5. zeenie left...
Thursday, 8 September 2005 4:46 pm
i got Bali HRC shotglass, hitomi want? ask Jay for my details. =) 6. hitomi left...
Zeenie: Thanks alot for the shotglass! No chance to chat with you that night. Perhaps we can catch up together with Kelawar and WW. Will get contact from Uncle and arrange with you again. No hurry for the shotglass though. :-)
Thursday, 8 September 2005 5:24 pm
Chao Lao Uncle Jay: Is it? Didn't know Kowloon one also no more. Thanks in advance ah. :DZeenie: Thanks alot for the shotglass! No chance to chat with you that night. Perhaps we can catch up together with Kelawar and WW. Will get contact from Uncle and arrange with you again. No hurry for the shotglass though. :-)
7. Lynne left...
Thursday, 8 September 2005 8:29 pm
Hey, I used to be a HRC fan too, I collected a bunch of HRC t-shirts, and denim jackets. Gave up eventually 'cos it was burning a big hole in my pocket! I think I've been to at least 15 HRCs around the world ... 8. JayWalk left...
Obasan: No problem. Tomorrow when you get online, I will pass you Zeenie's contact.
Lynne: Aren't we all when we were younger? Last time every Saturday night we are there partying away.... sigh.. the good ol' days....
Thursday, 8 September 2005 10:13 pm ::
Zeenie: Wah... suddenly my blog machiam eBay siah... lai ah! lai ah! lelong lelong!!!Obasan: No problem. Tomorrow when you get online, I will pass you Zeenie's contact.
Lynne: Aren't we all when we were younger? Last time every Saturday night we are there partying away.... sigh.. the good ol' days....
9. lancerlord left...
Friday, 9 September 2005 12:20 am :: http://lancerlord.blogspot.com
You did not fall in the bears and give passing out parade? kekeke.... 10. milktea left...
Friday, 9 September 2005 3:41 am
i have a friend who collects souvenir spoons and she obsess over buying it every time we go somewhere. 11. JayWalk left... lancerlord: After so many years, all these bears all reservists liao. How to fall them in? hahhaha...
milktea: I only buy if I happen to pass by. Like Memphis, New Orleans and Las Vegas that I went last year. I was there but didn't get the chance to buy it.
In Memphis, I forgot when I was having dinner there. In Las Vegas, it was only a short walk over but I didn't. New Orleans, er... is it still there after Katrina?
milktea: I only buy if I happen to pass by. Like Memphis, New Orleans and Las Vegas that I went last year. I was there but didn't get the chance to buy it.
In Memphis, I forgot when I was having dinner there. In Las Vegas, it was only a short walk over but I didn't. New Orleans, er... is it still there after Katrina?
12. lancerlord left...
Friday, 9 September 2005 8:53 am :: http://lancerlord.blogspot.com
No wonder the bears looked bah-long-long. :) 13. JayWalk left... lancerlord: All of them pudgy in the middle. First day IPPT all fail one.... si beh jialat...
14. hitomi left...
Friday, 9 September 2005 9:23 am
Ojiisan: Thanks! 15. Sheena left...
Friday, 9 September 2005 4:36 pm
OMG OMG OMG!!! What a coincidence! I have a Planet Hollywood bear collection and a Hard Rock shot glass collection too! 16. Zhe Bin left...
Hey I noticed something leh. There are 3 bears with a darker tone than the rest. Why only 3. Minority leh. You racist right?!
Haha. Okay I know that's quite out of the context. Hahaha.
Friday, 9 September 2005 6:34 pm
This is so sweet. Hey I noticed something leh. There are 3 bears with a darker tone than the rest. Why only 3. Minority leh. You racist right?!
Haha. Okay I know that's quite out of the context. Hahaha.
17. JayWalk left... Sheena: Well what do you know? Great minds think alike. hur hur hur....
Zhebin: What nonsense! The bears are all Chinese ok! All of them have this tag that says "Made In China".
Zhebin: What nonsense! The bears are all Chinese ok! All of them have this tag that says "Made In China".
18. vanna left...
must have alot of patient...
Saturday, 10 September 2005 3:42 pm
this a cute project.. & also expensive.. hahaha must have alot of patient...
19. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 10 September 2005 3:56 pm ::
Vanna: Ok lah. Not too bad considering that it was spread over so many years. 20. Kelly left...
Tuesday, 13 September 2005 2:07 pm :: http://www.kellchan.blogspot.com/
I collect HRC bears too! But mine are the beanies HRC bears... easier to display. 21. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 13 September 2005 3:32 pm ::
Kelly: My time bor beanies leh.... or else I also get liao... cheaper and easier to carry in luggage. :)
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