As I was updated, mommy did what all mothers do on their daughter's birthday. Shopping!
- Voxeros
1. Jaslyn left...
I'm sure she enjoyed herself but with you around, more enjoyable. Who dont love a lovable father like you *wink*
Happy Birthday, Faith! 快高长大!
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 12:43 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Shopping! Presents, bday cake.. everything a bday girl need :) I'm sure she enjoyed herself but with you around, more enjoyable. Who dont love a lovable father like you *wink*
Happy Birthday, Faith! 快高长大!
2. JayWalk left...
We'll see...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 12:47 am ::
Jaslyn: Thanks for the birthday wish. She will be very tall, that is for sure. Maybe next time be model, pro tennis or pro golf player? We'll see...
3. vanna left...
she should mix around with me more often.. hehehe
happy birthday to faith.. :)
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 1:07 am
tall faith?? hmmm she should mix around with me more often.. hehehe
happy birthday to faith.. :)
4. Laughingcow left...
Eh, I was the second tallest in my class when I was 12, but I am about the second shortest now leh. Hur hur. Puberty is so funny. :D
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 3:49 am
Happy birthday, Faith! :) Eh, I was the second tallest in my class when I was 12, but I am about the second shortest now leh. Hur hur. Puberty is so funny. :D
5. Lynne left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 5:19 am
Ohhhh, so cute, makes me wanna have one of my own ... NOT! Hehehe, your Faith is cute, but I still am NOT inspired ... 6. JayWalk left...
Laughingcow: That seemed to be the norm for Asian DNA. Big baby only to fizzled out at puberty. Especially obvious if you are among ang moh kids. You are head to head with them during elementary school but get left behind as all the ang moh kids starts sprouting during high school.
Lynne: You are very much like a friend of mine who said, "Kids are most fun when they are other people's."
Aiyah, you still so young. So fast inspired for what?
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 7:18 am ::
Vanna: Why leh? Sekali 你会教坏小孩子的! hahahhaLaughingcow: That seemed to be the norm for Asian DNA. Big baby only to fizzled out at puberty. Especially obvious if you are among ang moh kids. You are head to head with them during elementary school but get left behind as all the ang moh kids starts sprouting during high school.
Lynne: You are very much like a friend of mine who said, "Kids are most fun when they are other people's."
Aiyah, you still so young. So fast inspired for what?
7. an left...
Our guess of who marries first when we were in Sec school came true leh. hehehe!! We are still trying to see if our next prediction comes true...
Happy Birthday to Faith! I like the eyes look when she took the pic with one of the fairytale princess. hehehe!
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 10:01 am
tall?? I was the tallest in Pri sch. I was still the tallest in sec, and JC. Uni too many people liao so dun know. But I'm still very tall now and I'm a gal and my parents are NOT tall at all. Haaa!! So, it's really difficult to say.Our guess of who marries first when we were in Sec school came true leh. hehehe!! We are still trying to see if our next prediction comes true...
Happy Birthday to Faith! I like the eyes look when she took the pic with one of the fairytale princess. hehehe!
8. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 10:39 am ::
an: Thanks for the birthday wish. She definitely got that cheeky monkey look from her old man. Sigh.... 9. akk left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 11:30 am
so in the end, wat's the conclusion of the shopping-cum-shopping trip? her prezzie? Sleeping beauty doll? book? gown? hee...(BTW, i hope u know the 'lady' she leaning on is Sleeping beauty.) 10. nadnut left...
next daughter, call her hope? heh
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 11:37 am :: http://nadnut.liquidblade.com
oooh. faith is a nice name. =) next daughter, call her hope? heh
11. JayWalk left... akk: Dunno. Wife neber update me. Only got pictures to see.
nadnut: No more kids! Factory closed!
nadnut: No more kids! Factory closed!
12. The Hungry Bunny left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 1:34 pm :: http://thehungrybunny.blogspot.com
Happy Belated Birthday to Faith! 13. Jaslyn left...
But old man gotta pay for portfolio 1st. hahaa..
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 2:44 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Wah.. tall Faith. Good, come be my model :p But old man gotta pay for portfolio 1st. hahaa..
14. mht left...
faith, hope, peace, patience, kindness...all the names of the classes of my kid's kindergarten.
anyway, in case she is reading this a few years down the road...happy belated birthday, Faith!
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 3:12 pm
alamak! why factory close so early? (let's wait for accidents to happen). faith, hope, peace, patience, kindness...all the names of the classes of my kid's kindergarten.
anyway, in case she is reading this a few years down the road...happy belated birthday, Faith!
15. JayWalk left... TheHungryBunny: Thanks!
Jaslyn: Sigh... really no free lunch hor?
mht: Accident your head lah!! *poke eye*
Jaslyn: Sigh... really no free lunch hor?
mht: Accident your head lah!! *poke eye*
16. Jaslyn left...
Pa.. no free lunch, but got free portfolio for sweet little faith :p
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 5:44 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Hahhaa.. Reopening of the factory :p Pa.. no free lunch, but got free portfolio for sweet little faith :p
17. zeenie left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 6:09 pm
Happy birthday to pretty Faith, i'm sure she'll grow up in no time, but she'll always be daddy's little girl. =)
18. hitomi left...
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 6:10 pm
Yeah, accidents DO happen... ;-) 19. JayWalk left...
zeenie: Oh she will always be.
hitomi: 乌鸦嘴!!!! Speak for yourself!!
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 6:49 pm ::
Jaslyn: Ok lah. Free portfolio also not bad. Lunch on me then. :)zeenie: Oh she will always be.
hitomi: 乌鸦嘴!!!! Speak for yourself!!
20. Sheena left...
When you getting back?
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 9:48 pm
Wish Faithie a very happy birthday from me! She looks absolutely beautiful. Acherly hor, she kinda resembles you more now... Both of you have very fair skin. When you getting back?
21. JayWalk left... Sheena: Thanks Sheena for the well wishes. Me fair? Oh dear, I am losing my tan fast! Damn winter!!
22. vanna left...
so she can mixed with me
i am a good influence lah
Wednesday, 9 November 2005 11:20 pm
cos i am tall mah so she can mixed with me
i am a good influence lah
23. JayWalk left... Vanna: Yup you have a nice height indeed. Faith would be lucky to be as tall as you.
As for good influence... er... I meet you first then I decide. Sekali you bruff one. :P
As for good influence... er... I meet you first then I decide. Sekali you bruff one. :P
24. Jaslyn left...
Thursday, 10 November 2005 5:04 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Wah.. Papa, u trying to jio more ppl to meet u when u're back iszit? hahaha 25. JayWalk left... Jaslyn: Oh dear, do I sense a thinge of jealousy? :P
26. Pam left...
Thursday, 10 November 2005 7:23 pm
Happy belated birthday Faith! :) 27. Zhe Bin left...
Friday, 11 November 2005 1:37 am
I like to read blogs of a father! Really. 28. Jaslyn left...
Friday, 11 November 2005 1:37 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Yes! Very strong vinegar, u cannot smell meh? lolz.. 29. JayWalk left... Pam: Ahh... welcome back. Good trip?
Zhe Bin: Soon your turn will come. Then I will be reading yours!
Jaslyn: Indeed I can smell it! All the way from Ch1na!!! Pee-yew!
Zhe Bin: Soon your turn will come. Then I will be reading yours!
Jaslyn: Indeed I can smell it! All the way from Ch1na!!! Pee-yew!
30. Pam left...
Friday, 11 November 2005 5:42 pm
trip - was good for most of it... shit nearly hit the fan tho! :) 31. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 12 November 2005 8:45 am ::
Pam: German shit hitting the German fan? What happened? 32. Pam left...
Monday, 14 November 2005 6:20 pm
tell you another time!!
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