My thanks to those who are taking the time to run for a good cause.
My thanks also to the following people who have so graciously plugged the RunForFunds Project on their respective blogs, either in the form of a write-up, banner-ad or a sidebar link:
List of Appreciation
Sheena - http://merenwen13.blogspot.com
Nadnut - http://nadnut.liquidblade.com
AngKuKueh - http://akkueh.blogspot.com
Jaslyn - http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
KingMeng - http://kingmeng.blogspot.com
Jaschocolate - http://jaschocolate.blogspot.com
Vandice - http://twiuc.blogspot.com
Lancerlord - http://lancerlord.blogspot.com
Razlan & Taufik - http://www.taufikbatisah.net/home/
Razlan - http://www.razlan.name/blog/
Sha - http://www.singaporeatheletics.com
Zeenie & WibbleWamble - http://zeenie.blogspot.com
Vanna - http://winter66.blogspot.com
Juliana - http://juliana78.blogspot.com
Phil - http://putitthisway.blogspot.com/
Dicta - http://dicta.blogdrive.com
Kelawar - http://kelawarkilat.liquidblade.com
Again, if I missed anyone, please let me know so that I can quickly add it to the list.
Anyway, RunForFunds Project is not a once-a-year one-off event. It is an ongoing project throughout the year. As such, please do continue to support even after the marathon. Adrian will continue to update everybody on the project's progress regularly on the website. Please check back often.
Cheers everybody!
- Voxeros
1. Sheena left...
Sunday, 4 December 2005 5:56 am
You're more than welcome! I was glad to help. i couldn't do anything financially, so yeah, this was the best way for me to do something. Tell Adrian I hope the run went well! 2. JayWalk left...
Sheena: Adrian did complete the marathon! Pictures on this blog and his soon! Watch this space!
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