Last week, I touched on the topic of me being Geeky, I found this Geek Test from LittleMissDrinkalot (LMD) who in turn, got it from Tym.
So, with nothing to do (work not counted), I filled up the questionnaire and was expecting the worst when eh? How come only 14.something percent niah?
I thought I si beh geeky considering that fact that I know the difference between octal and octane. I know the relationship between chainmail and D&D. I know Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin....
Haiz.... want to be geek also CMI.... :(
- Voxeros
1. Jaschocolate left...
Monday, 16 January 2006 8:41 am
I also 8 percent only.. also not very geek.. wahaha 2. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: It seems that being a geek is no easy task!
3. Jaschocolate left...
Monday, 16 January 2006 11:59 am
Yes indeed.. but then i was not a geek to begin with mah.. i am a SYT.. wahaha 4. akk left...
Monday, 16 January 2006 3:12 pm
I am 20% geeky, but i believe the test to be flawed, hehehe...there's not enough Bio and chem question in there. 5. Sheena left...
Then again, how come you only got 14%? I've heard you talk about tech stuff before, and you're (almost) as geek as geek can be.
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 1:17 am
I'm like 18% geek?! WTH?! That is SO not possible. Unless my points were upped based on the non-computing questions. Then again, how come you only got 14%? I've heard you talk about tech stuff before, and you're (almost) as geek as geek can be.
6. aloe left...
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 10:28 am
Heng! Moi only 14% too... lol!! err.. Jay, u cheated on this test is it?? trying to make urself not so geekish.. :P 7. JayWalk left...
Akk: I would expect you to score higher considering the fact that you are a lab rat.
Sheena: Tsk! Tsk! You are in denial. The truth can be painful some times. You are lagi more geeky that I am.
Anna: The numbers have spoken and besides, how to cheat this type of test in the first place?
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 1:26 pm ::
Jaschocolate: Who say SYT cannot be geeky?Akk: I would expect you to score higher considering the fact that you are a lab rat.
Sheena: Tsk! Tsk! You are in denial. The truth can be painful some times. You are lagi more geeky that I am.
Anna: The numbers have spoken and besides, how to cheat this type of test in the first place?
8. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 1:53 pm
Ok loh.. sulks 9. aloe left...
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 2:07 pm
can... tick more boxes loh. Wahahaa!! 10. JayWalk left... Anna: Does ticking every box adds to the score? I was under the impression that some of the questions carries a negative weightage. No?
11. aloe left...
Then cos Jay ask abt ticking every box, so I ran another test. I clicked all the boxes and the score turns out to be 100%!!! and they say... "Liar" after the score. hahahah!! So once again, Yes, Ticking more boxes will help you score better. :P
yes, I am that boliao... :P
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 3:02 pm
ok... I did a random clicking of boxes, not all but quite a lot lah. The score turned out to be 39%, Major Geek! wahahahaha!! so with reference to my previous statement, yes. Clicking More boxes will help you to score better.Then cos Jay ask abt ticking every box, so I ran another test. I clicked all the boxes and the score turns out to be 100%!!! and they say... "Liar" after the score. hahahah!! So once again, Yes, Ticking more boxes will help you score better. :P
yes, I am that boliao... :P
12. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 3:08 pm
Not boliao.. just super free.. 13. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 17 January 2006 3:13 pm ::
Anna: Ahhh.. so the secret to gaining maximum marks would be to tick all but one box. 14. Suspicious Bastard left...
Not very good. Also, chainmail isn't that good. What would be best would be ELVEN chainmail +5(for bards, wizards, sorcerors.) Then again, it's hard to get.
Leather armor's not as good. AC is lower and chance of spellcasting failure might be increased.
Standard chainmail's the middle of the road, really. Fighters prefer full plate and spellcasters don't really like to wear any armor.
But one advantage of chainmail is that it is somewhat resistant to slashing. Most enemies have slashing attacks(including dragons), so it's good against those creatures.
I feel like playing a campaign sometime. Wonder who wants to play Ravenloft. Or Call of Cthulhu(never tried it, curious about it). Who wants some?
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 12:43 pm :: http://www.potatochipseater.blogspot.com
23.27416% - Geek Not very good. Also, chainmail isn't that good. What would be best would be ELVEN chainmail +5(for bards, wizards, sorcerors.) Then again, it's hard to get.
Leather armor's not as good. AC is lower and chance of spellcasting failure might be increased.
Standard chainmail's the middle of the road, really. Fighters prefer full plate and spellcasters don't really like to wear any armor.
But one advantage of chainmail is that it is somewhat resistant to slashing. Most enemies have slashing attacks(including dragons), so it's good against those creatures.
I feel like playing a campaign sometime. Wonder who wants to play Ravenloft. Or Call of Cthulhu(never tried it, curious about it). Who wants some?
15. JayWalk left...
Suspicious Bastard: Oh man... you bring back a lot of memories siah.... Full Plate -3 Dexterity Points.
It's been 2 decades since my last D&D and T&T (Tunnels and Trolls).
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