Started the Series concept this month with my Schoolboy and Tuition Series. Had fun reminiscing about my younger days of folly. Some of the people in the Series are still good friends to this very day and it just dawned on me how far we have come along.
So next trip back, must continue to make the effort to jio them la kopi or lim tiger (with ice cubes).
Did my first ever Audio Blog! Quite fun lah. Si beh geh gian. Although I kan cheong spider on my virgin Audio Blog, the outcome not too bad lah.
Got people say, I machiam ladio leejay but I think they just being politely supportive lah since I am always the one *cough* buying the beer *cough cough* and *cough* supplying the hoon kee *cough cough*.
However, more importantly was my lucky escape as I missed Hurricane Katrina by a mere couple of days. Imagine if I was still in New Orleans. My R&R Blog could've been my last entry. I wonder if my friends would raise money to keep my blog alive and convert to print? I guess I will never know. Then again, I don't think I want to know also.
Anyway, it was a close brush with the Grim Reaper but during then, you don't really feel the implication. It was only after the hurricane has hit Louisiana and the pictures of the devastation got plastered all over the media before it got to you. All the places that you have been and seen just days before, reappeared all over the news but in a totally different form. Few days ago, you were there and everything swee swee. Few days later, the very same place either gone or totally destroyed. Scared siah.
Quite a lot of happening in September as I was back in Singapore for my break. Did a time-sheet machiam social escort like that. Heng ah, the time sheet managed to get filled up before I reach Singapore. Arh bor damn pai kuar lor. Anyway, a big thanks to all the fabulous people who have so graciously taken the time to meet up and many friendships were forged that week. Kum siah!

Also, in the true sense of being bilingual, I tried my hand in blogging in Ch1nese with a chup-par-lang Mandarin audio blog to boot. I think my fellow ex-ACS boys all confirm fall off the chair one. Mai siao siao hor!
The highlight of the month was a return to my ancestral home to go and pai my chor kong. The registration of Gabriel name into the family registrar marked a milestone in our family history books. Granted we had to brave Typhoon LongWang during the trip, it was hardly an obstacle for us. Besides, it was small fry compared to the Hurricane Katrina that lim peh just escaped.
Nothing much happening in November as I conclude my flying for the year and head towards the Christmas break. Didn't do much except counting down and doing some publicity work for RunForFunds. Again, my THANKS to those who helped out plugging the event. We raised $35k + for the next year. Very heartening lor.
And finally December where I headed home again and meet all the fabulous people again. Too bad this time trip damn bladdy short. Some people still have to IOU the meet up until next trip. Damn jialat.
Well, that's it for the year for me. How's yours?
- Voxeros
1. akk left...
Tuesday, 3 January 2006 9:26 pm
hahahah....oh man, i think everyone might be writing an entry on how 2005's been.:) Mine u already know, man. been great, no doubt about it. has its downs but all came up in the end.:) 2. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 3 January 2006 9:32 pm
I booked you for drinking.. u better ask me along when you go drinking with others.. i want FREE beer..okay, i am shameless :p 3. Agent 66 left...
let's make jaschocolate drunk
Tuesday, 3 January 2006 11:11 pm
*whispers to agent J* let's make jaschocolate drunk
4. JayWalk left... akk: Oh I am sure you are definitely going to have a great 2006. 7 days to go! *wink wink*
Oh yes, one more thing. Looking forward to that Postcard of yours! *more wink wink*
Jaschocolate: No problem. As long as they are Kilkennys or Boddingtons. :)
Oh yes, one more thing. Looking forward to that Postcard of yours! *more wink wink*
Jaschocolate: No problem. As long as they are Kilkennys or Boddingtons. :)
5. heather left...
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 1:14 am ::
you sound like you had a nice year. Mine was crappy, hopefully 2006 is better. By the way, I went to your audio blog.. You darn funny leh! *lol* 7. JayWalk left... heather: I've got my fair share of ups and downs.
Business-wise, I survived the following:
a) Fighting the US Anti-dumping tariffs.
b) May be facing the Canadian market disruption defense charges.
c) Fired my GM who messed up the entire production schedule for Q2 and Q3.
d) Suing the crap out of my customer over non-payment.
e) Write off a chunk of bad debt when another customer keeled over.
and a partridge in a pear tree.
For all that I've gone through. 2005 wasn't a good year. However, as long as I survived it, I think it is still ok since it allows me to move on to 2006.
Business-wise, I survived the following:
a) Fighting the US Anti-dumping tariffs.
b) May be facing the Canadian market disruption defense charges.
c) Fired my GM who messed up the entire production schedule for Q2 and Q3.
d) Suing the crap out of my customer over non-payment.
e) Write off a chunk of bad debt when another customer keeled over.
and a partridge in a pear tree.
For all that I've gone through. 2005 wasn't a good year. However, as long as I survived it, I think it is still ok since it allows me to move on to 2006.
8. Jaslyn left...
Lao pa! Rem to save money for CNY ang pow hor! Hahaa
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 1:55 am ::
My 2005 was like shit! A big pile of shit! Except for 4mths of joy, laughter and happiness but now its 2006 aldy.. pray for the best.. Lao pa! Rem to save money for CNY ang pow hor! Hahaa
9. JayWalk left... Jaslyn: The good news is that 2005 is over and you no longer have to dwell in it any longer. 2006 is looking much better by the minute already!
10. An left...
I dun drink beer leh... no need to *ahemm* bribe *ahemm* lah...
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 1:47 pm
oh yah hor... Was going to ask you... how did u do the password protect for your that timesheet schedule har?? I also wanna learn leh. heheh! I dun drink beer leh... no need to *ahemm* bribe *ahemm* lah...
11. JayWalk left... An: It's a feature available on I don't think Blogspot/Blogger has this.
That's part of the reason why I decided against using Blogspot. It's a tad overly simplistic lor.
That's part of the reason why I decided against using Blogspot. It's a tad overly simplistic lor.
12. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 3:22 pm ::
An: Eh. One more thing. You have blog also? What's the URL? 13. heather left...
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 9:54 pm
sounds tough to do business nowadays :) what kind of production or things do the company make? 14. JayWalk left...
Btw, you have 2 blogs??
Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:42 pm ::
heather: Me har? I is carpenter. Btw, you have 2 blogs??
15. heather left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 1:57 am
no lah, only one. I close the previous one because I don't want to get popular. I'm blog writer, not celebrity ok. *LOL* 16. Zhe Bin left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 8:33 am
Hmm. My year wasn't exactly a turbulent nor was it a quiet one lah. Fell in love with a sport (Dragon Boat) and was made to give it up (dismissal from school). Well, I'm glad to say life goes on and I'm proud to say moving on and looking forward is an indispensible trait of Zhe Bin now. 2006 will see myself in NS.. So yeah. Hope it'll be a quiet year. = ) 17. JayWalk left... heather: Ahh... that explains everything. Nice hair-do by the way. ;)
zhebin: Yeah, it's a bummer to leave school in that manner. I don't think you are going to have problem in NS though. As a dragon boater and/or canoeist, your fitness is there already and so half the NS training, as far as you are concerned is settled swee swee for you liao.
Perhaps the 2 years in NS would be a good time for you to just take a break and rethink about what you wanna do in the future.
Good luck, bro.
zhebin: Yeah, it's a bummer to leave school in that manner. I don't think you are going to have problem in NS though. As a dragon boater and/or canoeist, your fitness is there already and so half the NS training, as far as you are concerned is settled swee swee for you liao.
Perhaps the 2 years in NS would be a good time for you to just take a break and rethink about what you wanna do in the future.
Good luck, bro.
18. aloe left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 10:25 am
yap got. Private blog though. haaaa!!! People will be bored by my blog.... :P 19. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 10:37 am ::
Anna: Wah.... so secret secret one har?? 20. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 10:56 am
Ahems.. Jay Daddy.. remember "Alcohol + Chocolate + Agent-66 = Gone".. so dont make me drunk.. makes her drunk instead.. I want to see... 21. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:06 am ::
Jaschocolate: Like that har? If no chocolate, then Agent-66 is "knife gun no entry" one leh... I think hor, you better start training your endurance if you wanna take on Agent-66. 22. Agent 66 left...
tat equation is Agent J's perception.. haha.. i want to take Jassy on..
when?? hahaha
my endurance not tat powderful also. need to train.. muahahaha *sticks out tongue*
Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:11 am
*ahems* tat equation is Agent J's perception.. haha.. i want to take Jassy on..
when?? hahaha
my endurance not tat powderful also. need to train.. muahahaha *sticks out tongue*
23. JayWalk left... Wah... the match is ON!
Spy vs Spy Celebrity Drinking DeathMatch
Sell tickets! Sell tickets!!
Spy vs Spy Celebrity Drinking DeathMatch
Sell tickets! Sell tickets!!
24. Agent 66 left...
before taking the real person tat we really want to take on (maybe in many years then got chance to beat him)
& tat person in AGENT J
Thursday, 5 January 2006 11:33 am
we have to make each other drunk before taking the real person tat we really want to take on (maybe in many years then got chance to beat him)
& tat person in AGENT J
25. JayWalk left... Agent-66: Looks like I will have to step up a notch on my gym training.
Need to build up the strength to sling you two over my shoulders at the end of the night to get you two home safely.... :P
Need to build up the strength to sling you two over my shoulders at the end of the night to get you two home safely.... :P
26. Jaschocolate left...
Dear Agent 66, i dont dare to fight with u.. i cant make it one.. :p
Thursday, 5 January 2006 6:40 pm
Yes, you need to build up more.. u still weak with regards to muscles.. heehee.. Dear Agent 66, i dont dare to fight with u.. i cant make it one.. :p
27. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Have you been checking me out??!!
28. aloe left...
Friday, 6 January 2006 10:27 am
no lah.. just that there are some postings which I dun like to share with too many people and urs is a highly read blog.... 29. jaschocolate left...
Friday, 6 January 2006 6:39 pm
Heehee... i agar agar see only.. 30. JayWalk left...
Jaschocolate: SO! You have been agar agar checking me out!! I feel sooo naked all of a sudden.... -_-"
<Note to self> Hold breath and suck in stomach all the way whenever Jaschocolate is around. :P
Friday, 6 January 2006 8:11 pm ::
Anna: Me highly read? Thanks for the flattering compliment but no lah. I average about 300 per day. Quite low by blogosphere standard.Jaschocolate: SO! You have been agar agar checking me out!! I feel sooo naked all of a sudden.... -_-"
<Note to self> Hold breath and suck in stomach all the way whenever Jaschocolate is around. :P
31. jaschocolate left...
Wau, 300 not good enough ah.. i got like 20?? i think i should cry.. sob sob..
Friday, 6 January 2006 9:02 pm
Haha..u can suck in stomach for a few hours meh? heehee.. Wau, 300 not good enough ah.. i got like 20?? i think i should cry.. sob sob..
32. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Acherly no. I dun have to suck in my stomach, come to think of it... :P
On one hand, it is not really that important. On the other hand, it is nice to know that someone is out there listening to what you have to say.
And so I say, 20 or 300? Same difference.
I rather have 20 comments than 20,000 lurker hits any day.
On one hand, it is not really that important. On the other hand, it is nice to know that someone is out there listening to what you have to say.
And so I say, 20 or 300? Same difference.
I rather have 20 comments than 20,000 lurker hits any day.
33. aloe left...
Thursday, 12 January 2006 2:06 pm
i think i only got 2... cos only 2 person got my blogsite... hahahah!! 34. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 12 January 2006 3:03 pm ::
Anna: I also want to see leh!! *kaypoh*
Email or messenger me leh!
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