Apparently, the company producing this gadget is Atech Flash but strangely the website has no mention of it anywhere. Perhaps it wasn't time for the official launch and I guess the rest of us kinda jumped the gun a little bit.
Imagine, in a home where every family member has an iPod. So every time anyone needs to go to the toilet, just bring along their iPod, plug it in and voila! Personal Loo Music.
I guess since there'd probably be a bath tub in there as well, then perhaps also it would be a great thing to have during those relaxing bubble baths.
Definitely not a gadget for the public toilets or nobody would want to come out at all! Then again, the gadget wouldn't be around for long. Somebody would have ripped it off the wall the minute it's installed.
Ok, coming back to this gadget. It doesn't have a name yet since it isn't officially launched.
As such, I have taken the liberty in my attempt to beat the market by naming it before everybody else. Hopefully, some big advertising firms would hire me to be their CD, in view of my creative prowess.
I shall call this gadget. iPangSai.
- Voxeros
1. winter left...
makes me think irock.. lol
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 1:42 am
for once i am first....... makes me think irock.. lol
2. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 2:03 am ::
winter: Uh-oh, looks like I'm going have to take the medal back from Jaschocolate liao. :P 3. Jaschocolate left...
And that name hor.. i like the product but if got such a name, i dont dare to buy it.. i scared i will laugh to death in front of the salesperson...
And salesperson will think i need the toilet.. hmmm...
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 8:31 am
Wau lao.. u think i no need sleep one ah.. my dear and i must work together.. give us couple medal lah.. And that name hor.. i like the product but if got such a name, i dont dare to buy it.. i scared i will laugh to death in front of the salesperson...
And salesperson will think i need the toilet.. hmmm...
4. JayWalk left...
_Imagine this scenario_
Salesman: iPangSai, ma'am?
Jaschocolate: Mai. Kum siah. I went this morning already liao.
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 8:47 am ::
Jaschocolate: I think it's a great name since people will be talking about it all over town. _Imagine this scenario_
Salesman: iPangSai, ma'am?
Jaschocolate: Mai. Kum siah. I went this morning already liao.
5. Jaschocolate left...
Daddy, i just realised i cannot pic ur face anymore.. everytime i think of u, i thought of that actor who played 七爷 in 大宅门... heehee
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 8:52 am
Btw, i woke up at 4am loh.. after sleeping 3hrs only.. Daddy, i just realised i cannot pic ur face anymore.. everytime i think of u, i thought of that actor who played 七爷 in 大宅门... heehee
6. aloe left...
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 10:29 am
U know, Orh Sim also named their products "I" this and "I" that... purposely copy one or what?? 7. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Er... got picture? What does he look like?
Anna: It's a trend lah.. last time is "X" with X-treme, X-factor, X-tra, then during the internet bubble we have the "e" which gave us e-mail, e-commerce, e-business, and finally "i" starting with iPod, iThis, iThat and of course, my personal favourite, iPangSai.
Anna: It's a trend lah.. last time is "X" with X-treme, X-factor, X-tra, then during the internet bubble we have the "e" which gave us e-mail, e-commerce, e-business, and finally "i" starting with iPod, iThis, iThat and of course, my personal favourite, iPangSai.
8. Jaschocolate left...
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 2:19 pm
iPuke ah... i try to find his pic.. when i find, then let u see... 9. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Ok.... show me when you find the pic.
. winter left...
u guys are very fast
so jay, how's ur eye bags.. hurhurhur
Wednesday, 18 January 2006 11:45 pm
wah u guys are very fast
so jay, how's ur eye bags.. hurhurhur
11. JayWalk left... winter: Nothing a little dab of eye cream won't solve. :)
12. kIm left...
Thursday, 19 January 2006 12:41 am
iPangSai!!! Sounds like wanna pang sai like that. Hahahaha.. Anyway, it would be nice if it can be found in public toilets. Then I would have no need to listen to the orchestra of 'Plop plop, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' anymore. 13. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 19 January 2006 1:08 am ::
kIm: Catchy name right? O&M should be so lucky to have me as their CD. 14. Agent-BB210 left...
Thursday, 19 January 2006 10:26 am
Bleah!! 15. Jaslyn left...
Thursday, 19 January 2006 4:33 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Lao Pa! Be more classy lah. iShit better than iPangSai right? Hahahaa... Want to copy Apple, must be ang moh pai abit. iPangSai too auntie leh. Hahaha.. iBuayTahan 16. JayWalk left... Jaslyn: iShit no class lah, if you are talking about ang moh pai. If want to go slang slang, then may I suggest iPoo.
Nah... I still like iPangSai. More impact.
Nah... I still like iPangSai. More impact.
17. aloe left...
Friday, 20 January 2006 10:36 am
no la... ang moh pai is iBusiness la.... :P 18. JayWalk left... Anna: Then like that we should also include iMakeCake. wahahaah......
19. aloe left...
Friday, 20 January 2006 11:37 am
orh... then iLoo or iToilet also can... :P 20. Zhe Bin left...
Friday, 20 January 2006 1:45 pm
iLOL! iPangSai is a shocking divergence lor for Apple. IF there's really this iPangSai lor. Hahaha. 22. JayWalk left...
ZheBin: Trust me. The product is very real. It will hit the market very soon. Just wondering what name they are going to call it.
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