In other words, the pilot has no bladdy idea where he was going. Lucky it was a short-haul flight i.e. plenty of fuel to burn. Imagine flying long haul and not knowing where to land.
I am really glad nobody got hurt in this incident.
Heng ah......
Captain: Hello Control Tower, this is AdamAir flight number Three-One-Eight, over.
Control Tower: Hello AdamAir Three-One-Eight. Reading your loud and clear.
Captain: I think we are lost. The navigation system is not responding.
Control Tower: Why don't you wind down your window and look outside?
Captain: ....
<An hour later...>
Captain: Hello Control Tower, this is AdamAir flight number Three-One-Eight, over.
Control Tower: Yes. AdamAir Three-One-Eight.
Captain: I see a village up in the distance at Zere-Three-Zero degrees East.
Control Tower: Can you spot a petrol station there?
Captain: Petrol station?
Control Tower: Yah lah! Where else can you stop and ask for directions?
Captain: ...
<Two hours later...>
Captain: Hello Control Tower, this is AdamAir flight number Three-One-Eight, over.
Control Tower: Yes. AdamAir Three-One-Eight.
Captain: I see a airport runway in the distance!
Control Tower: Yah lah! Yah lah! Your wife's ones very big lah!!
Captain: ...
<Another hour later!...>
Captain: Hello Control Tower, this is AdamAir flight number Three-One-Eight, over.
Control Tower: Yes. AdamAir Three-One-Eight.
Captain: I see an AIRCRAFT-LANDING runway in the distance but I don't think I can land this plane.
Control Tower: Why not?
Captain: From where I can see, it is less than the 2.2 km required to land the Boeing 733.
Control Tower: How long do you esitmate the runway to be?
Captain: Hmm..... about 25 metres only. How to land? Control Tower, please advise.
Control Tower: 25 metres? Where got so short one?
<Long Pause and an Eureka moment later...>
Control Tower: Please don't tell me that the runway is very wide....
Captain: My gawd! How do you know!!! Wait, let me take a look at that runway again... By josh, this is the widest runway I have ever seen!! I estimate it to be about ... what? 2.2 km wide?
Control Tower: ...
So in their "honour", I have made a tweak to their logo.

Question: Why are AdamAir's planes painted in orange?
Answer: So that it is easier to find them when they get lost again.
This also reminds me of the time last year where I poked fun at another Indonesian Airline. Click here.
Answer: So that it is easier to find them when they get lost again.
This also reminds me of the time last year where I poked fun at another Indonesian Airline. Click here.
- Voxeros
1. kIm left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:16 am
2.2km wide.. Muahahahhahaahaha.. You are very mean lo. Where got pilot so stupid one? But then again, he was stupid enough to fly off without a working navigation system. Haha.. 2. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:19 am ::
kIm: Aiyah. Joking niah... sekali they ban me from flying with them. Jialat. -_-" 3. Jaschocolate left...
Why got so stupid pilots one.. u mean they really only choose their crews for looks and not brains ah... i fear for my life if i ever go indonesia...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:08 am
Aiyoh.. today cannot use the sign liao.. heehee.. never mind, i try tomorrow.. heehee Why got so stupid pilots one.. u mean they really only choose their crews for looks and not brains ah... i fear for my life if i ever go indonesia...
4. aloe left...
The pilot very power leh!! Must give him due credits for being able to land even without any navigation. :)
klm (reminds me of the Kilm milk powder.. :P) The plane navigation system broke down 20 mins after take off, so not the pilot's fault ma...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 10:00 am
Jay => -_-"' The pilot very power leh!! Must give him due credits for being able to land even without any navigation. :)
klm (reminds me of the Kilm milk powder.. :P) The plane navigation system broke down 20 mins after take off, so not the pilot's fault ma...
5. kim left...
Jay: If they really ban you hor, then they must really have no sense of humour at all.. By the way, I have never heard of that airline before. haha..
Jas: Finally hor? Hahaha.. But tml onwards nvm le. Once is sufficient!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 10:57 am
Anna: wah. Say my name like Kilm milk powder. Hahahha.. I shall change it to kim then. Is it? I didnt bother to go read the papers. Hahahha.. But quiet true la. Can land the plane without navigation.Jay: If they really ban you hor, then they must really have no sense of humour at all.. By the way, I have never heard of that airline before. haha..
Jas: Finally hor? Hahaha.. But tml onwards nvm le. Once is sufficient!
6. JayWalk left...
Anna: All pilots are trained to be able to land the plane manually. It's the "where the hell are we?" and "where the hell is the airport?" that are the main worries.
If cannot find airport, want to land also cannot.
kIm: AdamAir is an Indonesian airline that serves the regional routes i.e. they probably fly to destinations that we don't go to and hence we don't know much about them.
Grow like a champion, grow.
Grow like a champion, grow.
Drink Klim instant full cream milk!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:34 pm ::
Jaschocolate: Acherly not the pilots fault since it was a hardware failure.Anna: All pilots are trained to be able to land the plane manually. It's the "where the hell are we?" and "where the hell is the airport?" that are the main worries.
If cannot find airport, want to land also cannot.
kIm: AdamAir is an Indonesian airline that serves the regional routes i.e. they probably fly to destinations that we don't go to and hence we don't know much about them.
Grow like a champion, grow.
Grow like a champion, grow.
Drink Klim instant full cream milk!
7. kIm left...
By the way, wad's up with milk powder nowadays ar? Got added ingredients huh? How come all the pri school kids grow so huge? Scary leh!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 10:43 pm
I drink that brand of milk powder when I was young lo. No wonder I liked it so much. Sounds like my name eh? Hahahaha.. By the way, wad's up with milk powder nowadays ar? Got added ingredients huh? How come all the pri school kids grow so huge? Scary leh!
8. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 8:49 am
Maybe got put something to change the DNA... Plssssssssssssssss feed your child with breast milk......... it's for their own gooooooooooood! 9. mht left...
jas: not every breast got milk or enough milk for that matter.
Thursday, 16 February 2006 8:57 am
maybe the pilot based on traditional methods like using the compass??jas: not every breast got milk or enough milk for that matter.
10. akk left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 9:31 am
oh geez...that pilot so heroic become instant comedian in here. hehehe...don't like that lah, it must have been the biggest fright/flight of his life.:) 11. JayWalk left...
Breast milk??!! WHAT DA HEOW???!!!
Thursday, 16 February 2006 1:37 pm ::
Breast milk??!! WHAT DA HEOW???!!!
12. JayWalk left...
It is a case of not knowing where to go since he doesn't know where he is to begin with.
Without compass also can agar agar estimate N-S-E-W by looking at the sun with reference to the time of the day.
Akk: Yah lah.. in a way also need to give pilot a bit of credit for not panicking and eventually taking the bird down safely.
Imagine you looking through your window only the see the pilots out there floating on parachutes. Siao Liao.
Thursday, 16 February 2006 1:41 pm ::
mht: Even if the pilot has a compass, it is useless without knowing his own bearings. It is a case of not knowing where to go since he doesn't know where he is to begin with.
Without compass also can agar agar estimate N-S-E-W by looking at the sun with reference to the time of the day.
Akk: Yah lah.. in a way also need to give pilot a bit of credit for not panicking and eventually taking the bird down safely.
Imagine you looking through your window only the see the pilots out there floating on parachutes. Siao Liao.
13. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 5:23 pm
Off topic good mah.. :p 14. winter left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 6:25 pm
my eyes lit up on the breast milk hahahahhaa
15. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 7:03 pm
Jay Daddy, u see u see.. i let ppl pay attention.. heehee 16. JayWalk left... Winter: Yeah. Me too which made me decide to put a stop to it before it gets out of control.
17. jaschocolate left...
Friday, 17 February 2006 2:46 am
Pain loh!!! #$%%#FCFigfts^&*%#@@KP4+&%$
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