Unfortunately, except for the latter, I didn't archive any of them. Dang.
Anyway, I would like take this milestone blog to say...
Thanks to the people who visited. It's good to know that my stuff has a destination.
Thanks to the people who made this a daily read. I will try to keep up.
Thanks to the people who came here and sneak previewed the next day's blog. A bit the Siao-On but I appreciate the enthusiasm though.
Thanks to the people who lurked. I wonder if any of you were from the pre-Blog-City days.
Thanks to the people who are active in the comments. I loved the bantering.
Thanks to the people that linked me as well as the people that I linked.
Thanks to the people who helped spread the word about RunForFunds.

Thanks to the people for the friendship that blossomed from here. I enjoyed the exchanges over the comments, emails, smses and messenger chats.
Thanks to the people who met up with me. It is nice to put a face over your words.
Thanks for the puzzle, the bread, the little knick knacks, the beers, the hoon kees, the kopis and the makans.
Yah lah, I know lah. I very the cheong hey lah. I am really appreciative lor. Can?
Ok lah... last one to sum everything up.
Thanks for the company.
- Voxeros
1. JayWalk left...
Got a feeling that Jaschocolate won't show up so soon now that people started to notice that she always the first one to comment.
Hence, in her honour, I shall chope this first space for her here.
Don't say I never take care of you hor! ~LOL
Monday, 13 February 2006 9:52 pm ::

Got a feeling that Jaschocolate won't show up so soon now that people started to notice that she always the first one to comment.
Hence, in her honour, I shall chope this first space for her here.
Don't say I never take care of you hor! ~LOL
2. kIm left...
Jay: 500.. 500..... When will the thousand one be? I'll be waiting. Eh, where got Siao-On? Fun wad.. K lo. Don't want first, then be last. I shall be the last to comment then.
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 10:38 am
AHHHHHHH.. damn. see? Hahaha.. Jas jas.. Start commenting leh. I was just kidding. Hahaha.. If you are not the first one to comment, things start to feel very weird. Weird, but true.Jay: 500.. 500..... When will the thousand one be? I'll be waiting. Eh, where got Siao-On? Fun wad.. K lo. Don't want first, then be last. I shall be the last to comment then.
3. Jaschocolate left...
By March, no need us to accompany liao.. we all will be 5th place... 1st 3 for family, 4th for golf... Hmphz...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:09 am
Haha.. that's a good signboard.. i like!!! Heehee... I don't know how many i wrote liao.. must go back count count... By March, no need us to accompany liao.. we all will be 5th place... 1st 3 for family, 4th for golf... Hmphz...
4. JayWalk left...
Jaschocolate: You have been lurking for someone to comment first right? ~LOL
Good to have you here lah.
True that family will be first but golf will always take a backseat. It's just a game niah. Friends more important.
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:22 am ::
kIm: Hopefully, I can tahan until 1000. I foresee 3 years from now? Actually, the more you count the slower it will come. Best is to leave it alone and you will hit that 1000 before you know it.Jaschocolate: You have been lurking for someone to comment first right? ~LOL
Good to have you here lah.
True that family will be first but golf will always take a backseat. It's just a game niah. Friends more important.
5. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:52 am
No lah.. i was busy in the morning.. this morning slowly walk to work... very sianz :p 6. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:56 am ::
Jaschocolate: Why sian? 7. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 12:30 pm
Dont know.. i now everyday sianz.. 8. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 12:40 pm ::
Jaschocolate: 4 days till the weekend. Start counting. 9. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 1:39 pm
3 and a half day.... counting.. counting.. 10. aloe left...
Actually hor, real person very different from online persona leh... Like moi, real person ish quiet quiet de... haaaaaa!! So who knows, maybe Jay cheong hey here, but quiet quiet in real life or even more cheong hey!! =X
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 2:27 pm
I was lurking around. Saw that the 1st place was chopped so decided not to comment.. hahahah!! Actually hor, real person very different from online persona leh... Like moi, real person ish quiet quiet de... haaaaaa!! So who knows, maybe Jay cheong hey here, but quiet quiet in real life or even more cheong hey!! =X
11. JayWalk left... Anna: My real life persona har? Must ask those who have met me. One thing is for sure, I am definitely not quiet!
12. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 4:19 pm
Anna: He is.. he is... errr... thou should not comment as thou fear for moi life... 13. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 4:28 pm
opps.. it should be thee or thy hor.. heeheehee 14. JayWalk left... Jaschocolate: Neither. You can't use thee, thy nor thou.
Just a simple "I" would suffice.
Just a simple "I" would suffice.
15. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 14 February 2006 6:34 pm
WHY!!! i want to use mah... *sulks* 16. SB left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 12:55 am
Doesn't anyone sleep around here? 18. Jaschocolate left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 7:51 am
Nope, i think only u two don't sleep, ok? 19. aloe left...
I do sleep ok..
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 9:46 am
thee thy thou all refers to the other person.... now, what's the Shakespearean word for refering to 'I'?? Is it still 'I'?? Cannot remember... too bad.. hahahah! I do sleep ok..
20. aGentX left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 10:14 am :: http://agent-x.blogspot.com
Congrats! and Nice touch with the hand-written notes :).... 21. kIm left...
Jay: What hopefully tahan? Is MUST tahan. I is bored in school...........
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 10:50 am
Anna: Jay in real person.. hMmm.. not bad la, about the same. But I agree that normally online persona and real life differ very much -- just like me. Haha..Jay: What hopefully tahan? Is MUST tahan. I is bored in school...........
22. Jaslyn left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:23 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Guess its time I go count my total posts too. Hehe.. Congrats! Papa! More More More. We want 5000! 23. winter left...
got so so many posts.. hehe..
so sweet of u to reserved it for jassy leh
but since u got time to do tat, y never kai siao jassy to zhebin.. :P
*vanishes into thin air*
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:43 pm
steady lah!! got so so many posts.. hehe..
so sweet of u to reserved it for jassy leh
but since u got time to do tat, y never kai siao jassy to zhebin.. :P
*vanishes into thin air*
24. mht left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 1:53 pm
wah lao! machiam like thank you speech after receiving hong xin da jiang liddat! 25. Jaschocolate left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 2:29 pm
Winter dear.. i is angry at u.. hmphz.. 26. winter left...
it's always for ur own good :P
btw, sb's statement of "Doesn't anyone sleep around here?" is so wrong
we dun anyhow sleep around leh
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 4:50 pm
dun be it's always for ur own good :P
btw, sb's statement of "Doesn't anyone sleep around here?" is so wrong
we dun anyhow sleep around leh
27. hitomi left...
Btw, how to do sneak preview?
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 6:16 pm
Uncle damn cheong hey... Got lao bak sai or not? Btw, how to do sneak preview?
28. nadnut left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 7:16 pm
congrats on hitting the five zelo zelo! *throws confetti* 29. JayWalk left...
Agent-X: Thanks. As much as computers are taking over more and more tasks, some of the more important ones however, still calls for that human touch. (",)
kIm: Thanks for the testimony. Anyone else?
Jaslyn: 5000? According to my stats, I am blogging on average about 0.68 blog per day and so I should take about another 18 years to reach the 5000th post. By then, it would be the year 2024 where I will be 52.
What should I blog? Perhaps I would blog about taking my wife to the movies on my birthday? Or should I blog my Faith's 21st birthday? Hmm....
By then, you guys would probably be in your 40s. Would you be able to see yourself reading/writing blogs then?
Winter: I want to kai siao but Jassy don't want leh. Si beh tao siah... :P
"Anyhow sleep around" <-- ROFL!!! You damn funny!!
mht: You never see me thank David Gan for doing my hair right? Then confirm not Hong Xing Da Jiang liao loh!
hitomi: Lao auntie. Of course lao bak sai lah. iKumTong ok!
Sneak Preview <-- Get online with me and I'll teach you.
Nadnut: Kum Siah!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:26 pm ::
Anna: Agree. Thou, thy and thee refers to the person being addressed and as such, in most cases, they refer to the "You" pronoun. So there. Engerand 101.Agent-X: Thanks. As much as computers are taking over more and more tasks, some of the more important ones however, still calls for that human touch. (",)
kIm: Thanks for the testimony. Anyone else?
Jaslyn: 5000? According to my stats, I am blogging on average about 0.68 blog per day and so I should take about another 18 years to reach the 5000th post. By then, it would be the year 2024 where I will be 52.
What should I blog? Perhaps I would blog about taking my wife to the movies on my birthday? Or should I blog my Faith's 21st birthday? Hmm....
By then, you guys would probably be in your 40s. Would you be able to see yourself reading/writing blogs then?
Winter: I want to kai siao but Jassy don't want leh. Si beh tao siah... :P
"Anyhow sleep around" <-- ROFL!!! You damn funny!!
mht: You never see me thank David Gan for doing my hair right? Then confirm not Hong Xing Da Jiang liao loh!
hitomi: Lao auntie. Of course lao bak sai lah. iKumTong ok!
Sneak Preview <-- Get online with me and I'll teach you.
Nadnut: Kum Siah!!
30. spellbound left...
i want that attention too!!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:28 pm :: http://verniceloy.blogspot.com
so crowded here! so zealous of you! i want that attention too!!!
31. JayWalk left... Spellbound: Come here more often lor. The doors will always be opened for you. :)
32. spellbound left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:53 pm :: http://verniceloy.blogspot.com
Thanks man! how long are you going to be in China? 33. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 8:57 pm ::
Spellbound: I guess when I retire or when I sell off the business. Er... another what? 30 years? 34. hitomi left...
Aiya, my PC "died-ed" last week, so until such time when my permanent hard disk arrives, won't be installing the messenger.
Thursday, 16 February 2006 12:49 am
Lao Uncle: Mai lao bak sai, sekali mascara run then you know. Aiya, my PC "died-ed" last week, so until such time when my permanent hard disk arrives, won't be installing the messenger.
35. Jaslyn left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 2:49 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Hahaa.. By then I may be still blogging. About my children.. how good/bad their exams turned out to be, how nice/bad my hubby is..... hmmm.... 36. akk left...
thanks you for the indiv responses in ur comments.
Thank you for the company when u squeeze time for us bloggers.
Thank you for the fun, the laughter and the food when you're home.
there's more, but I don't wanna make you start sniffing, muahahah...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 9:25 am
Thank you for the lovely posts that you have been er...posting. thanks you for the indiv responses in ur comments.
Thank you for the company when u squeeze time for us bloggers.
Thank you for the fun, the laughter and the food when you're home.
there's more, but I don't wanna make you start sniffing, muahahah...
37. JayWalk left...
Anyway, goto http://www.meebo.com and use the web-based IM. Very good.
Jaslyn: Hubby? Which one? whahahahaaha...... :P
Akk: Too late. SNIFF!!!
Thursday, 16 February 2006 1:46 pm ::
hitomi: Lao auntie. Mascara got water-proof one hor. Oops! Anyway, goto http://www.meebo.com and use the web-based IM. Very good.
Jaslyn: Hubby? Which one? whahahahaaha...... :P
Akk: Too late. SNIFF!!!
38. Jaslyn left...
Thursday, 16 February 2006 4:10 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Which one? I also don't know yet man. Maybe a fortune teller or crystal ball might know. 39. JayWalk left...
Jaslyn: How many you have? :P
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