A beautiful morning with perfect weather as I stepped out of the hotel to get a breath of fresh air. Temperature was a little better at about 2 deg Celsius.
Looks like the overnight fog has frozen into a thin sheet of ice carpeting the group. Very very clean sheet of white ice crystals. I won't exactly call it snow yet cause it isn't exactly flurry. Frost perhaps?
I thought this was a picturesque shot when I took it. The bare tree in its hibernation will be full awake and in bloom when I return this August.
Nobody paints a more perfect picture than Mother Nature. Yes? No?
- Voxeros
1. Jaslyn left...
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 3:17 pm :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Looks nice! If I wake up everyday to see such a picture infront of me... 2. winter left...
nice nice
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 4:40 pm
agreee :) nice nice
3. mht left...
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 5:02 pm
nice meh! just a botak tree what. a tree in full bloom will look better, full of life! 4. winter left...
i think it's nice for winter season despite the cold
agrees tat mother nature paints a better picture
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 5:18 pm
i mean i think it's nice for winter season despite the cold
agrees tat mother nature paints a better picture
5. kim left...
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 8:56 pm
actually i think, winter's one of the most beautiful season. But damn cold la of course. I think I'm too used to seeing flowers bloom in Singapore to appreciate spring anymore. 6. aloe left...
Personally, I think all seasons (Winter, spring, summer, autumn) have their own beauty and all are nice. :)
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:24 pm
But sg flowers not nice. come and go, always the same kind. see till sianz le. Whereas springtime got a lot of different flowers blooming. Nice. :) Personally, I think all seasons (Winter, spring, summer, autumn) have their own beauty and all are nice. :)
7. JayWalk left...
Just like in life when we have our dark moments. There will be time you know that better things are in the pipeline. It gives you hope.
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:35 pm ::
mht: You should look deeper. A botak tree is a sign of hope and what it has to offer when Spring comes. Just like in life when we have our dark moments. There will be time you know that better things are in the pipeline. It gives you hope.
8. One Little Twit left...
Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:44 am :: http://onelittletwit.com
I love your bed, it looks so fluffy and i just wanna somersault in. Anyway, enjoy your stay. I wish i get to travel too.9. JayWalk left...
OLT: One thing I like about the beds in US hotels is that they are damn soft. A sharp contrast to the concrete beds in Ch1na hotels. :(
OLT: One thing I like about the beds in US hotels is that they are damn soft. A sharp contrast to the concrete beds in Ch1na hotels. :(
10. mht left...
such self-consoling, ah Q, self-psycho thoughts.
but i am pessimistic by nature.
(same thing when looking at half a glass of water. whtr it is half full or half empty)
Thursday, 23 February 2006 9:41 am
ya sure. and you should say since one is at the lowest of low, the only thing that can happen is get better. such self-consoling, ah Q, self-psycho thoughts.
but i am pessimistic by nature.
(same thing when looking at half a glass of water. whtr it is half full or half empty)
11. akk left...
Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:24 pm
remember to take a pic of the same tree in august then.:) remember the angle!:)12. JayWalk left...
mht: Well, nothing wrong with being pessimistic. It's conservative by another name. Less likely to get disappointed though.
akk: If I can remember to take it in August!! Remember to remind me hor!
mht: Well, nothing wrong with being pessimistic. It's conservative by another name. Less likely to get disappointed though.
akk: If I can remember to take it in August!! Remember to remind me hor!
13. mht left...
Thursday, 23 February 2006 4:20 pm
悲观的人作不了大事!14. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 23 February 2006 10:35 pm ::
mht: 谨慎的人栽不了跟斗.15. mht left...
me no understand
Friday, 24 February 2006 12:05 pm
what is the meaning of "谨慎的人栽不了跟斗."? babel fish translate as "The discrete person could not plant the tumble" me no understand
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