The night prior to my departure is always my luggage packing day. First things to prepare are the stuff that I need to bring for my business, i.e. laptop, documents, catalogues, colour swatches, samples etc...
Next would be planning my wardrobe for the trip. If my trip lasts 10 days, you will find me having a detailed "wardrobe plan" detailing what to wear on which day. And in order to do this planning, I have to print out the weather forecast for each destination on their respective days.
I don't like what I see on the print out.
I see a lot of days with temperature falling below ZERO. Hong Kan. Anything below 10°C. I sian half liao. That means having to pack extra clothes e.g. under-shirts, jackets, etc, i.e. heavier luggage. As a traveler, I like to travel light and a suitcase full of smelly laundry at the end of the trip is not something I am too happy about. Fortunately for this trip, I am staying at a friend's place in Atlanta i.e. I only need to pack clothes up to Atlanta and have fresh laundry to recycle my clothes. That would be about 4 days' worth of clothes less to pack.

Whenever I hit cold weather, the one thing that I definitely cannot do are my thermal gloves. I finger-joints ached like mad when I am out there freezing my balls off (except when I am playing golf).
Now these thermal gloves are a God-send, they are very thin (See picture on the right. I place a button next to it for comparison) and yet they keep your hands warm. Unlike ordinary gloves which are bulky when you wear them (hence suffer a lost of dexterity), thermal gloves are thin enough that you can actually pick up a coin while wearing it.
I didn't know about this thermal gloves nor what to call it initially. It was on TV when I first saw it and it was a football match where Arsenal was playing. I saw Thierry Henry wearing it while playing and I emailed MeePok, who was based in London, to buy for me (thanks Bro!).

Oh well, I hope to be able to continue blogging while I am away. Catch me on MSN/Yahoo/Skype/ICQ if you can. I will be on US time zone.
And speaking of balls, I think they will be going into hiding while I am there in the frigging cold.
I will see them and you guys in a fortnight. Haiz....
Image Credit: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/
- Voxeros
1. winter left...
i am confused
not going to be online at all meh?
Sunday, 19 February 2006 12:49 pm
see us in a fortnight?? i am confused
not going to be online at all meh?
2. Jaschocolate left...
Sunday, 19 February 2006 1:32 pm
Ok.. thank you.. bye bye :p
3. kIm left...
Sunday, 19 February 2006 5:16 pm
Rem to wear more hor.. Later drop off I don't know ar.. :D
4. JayWalk left...
winter: I worry due to time zone difference, cannot see you all mah...
kIm: Like I said. If drop off, I make into keychain for you. :P
winter: I worry due to time zone difference, cannot see you all mah...
kIm: Like I said. If drop off, I make into keychain for you. :P
5. Jaschocolate left...
And turning balls into keychains sounded weird...
Sunday, 19 February 2006 10:24 pm
Chey, i thought what.. :p And turning balls into keychains sounded weird...
6. kIm left...
And I don't want ball-y keychains!! So keep them warm! hahahahha..
Jas: Ya lo. I was saying ball-y necklace sounds nicer. :D
Sunday, 19 February 2006 11:14 pm
Jay: "winter: I worry due to time zone difference, cannot see you all mah..." --> wah.. Sounds like you are going to miss us.. *feels so touched* Muahahaha.. And I don't want ball-y keychains!! So keep them warm! hahahahha..
Jas: Ya lo. I was saying ball-y necklace sounds nicer. :D
7. Jaschocolate left...
Monday, 20 February 2006 8:18 am
Errr.. both sounded 怪怪 to me...
8. aloe left...
we will... er... *ahem* miss *ahem* *cough* you.... *cough* *cough* ahahah!!
Come people, let's entertain ourselves while he's not around. hehehehe!
Monday, 20 February 2006 10:19 am
I dun like wearing gloves, even for below zero degree temperatures. It somehow feels un-natural and you can't feel a single thing. I scared I will drop my camera if I wear gloves! haa!we will... er... *ahem* miss *ahem* *cough* you.... *cough* *cough* ahahah!!
Come people, let's entertain ourselves while he's not around. hehehehe!
9. mht left...
Monday, 20 February 2006 11:14 am
take care and have a safe trip!
10. winter left...
especially with us around..
how can he not miss us? we are so adorable leh
Monday, 20 February 2006 11:16 am
he will miss us haha
especially with us around..
how can he not miss us? we are so adorable leh
11. JayWalk left...
Jaschocolate & Winter: You don't want, other people will want ok. Besides, I only got 2 niah.
Anna: Exactly why I thot these thermal gloves were so amazing. Ultra-thin and yet serves its function well.
Oh for a moment, I thought we were talking about condoms. Damn. Get head out of gutter!!!!
mht: Thanks. I just hope none of my flights get canceled due to bad weather.
Jaschocolate & Winter: You don't want, other people will want ok. Besides, I only got 2 niah.
Anna: Exactly why I thot these thermal gloves were so amazing. Ultra-thin and yet serves its function well.
Oh for a moment, I thought we were talking about condoms. Damn. Get head out of gutter!!!!
mht: Thanks. I just hope none of my flights get canceled due to bad weather.
12. hitomi left...
Those thermal gloves available anywhere in Singapore?
Monday, 20 February 2006 2:25 pm
Haha... You're like me, I must plan swee swee what I want to wear for each day, based on weather forecast and itinerary... Those thermal gloves available anywhere in Singapore?
13. Jaschocolate left...
Ultra-thin is not condoms. It's sanitary napkins, ok? heehee..
Winter: how do we entertain each other? Should i give u a lick on the right ear? :p
Monday, 20 February 2006 4:09 pm
Ok loh. If u give us, we will still accept.. unwillingly.. Winter got say she don't want meh? Ultra-thin is not condoms. It's sanitary napkins, ok? heehee..
Winter: how do we entertain each other? Should i give u a lick on the right ear? :p
14. winter left...
why i kena
jas> wah.. later i get turned on :P
Monday, 20 February 2006 4:31 pm
i never say i dun want leh why i kena
jas> wah.. later i get turned on :P
15. akk left...
hahahaha....*wipes tears*
Monday, 20 February 2006 5:00 pm
yo! So are they on or off now? hahahaha....*wipes tears*
16. Jaschocolate left...
Monday, 20 February 2006 10:08 pm
AKK: what do you think... *wipe off drool*
17. JayWalk left...
hitomi: It is unlikely they have it in Singapore given that it is soooo bladdy hot back home. Try ordering via the internet.
winter, akk & jaschocolate: Never in a million years would I expect this blog to be turned into a lesbian threesome!
The Gods must be smiling on this blog. ;)
hitomi: It is unlikely they have it in Singapore given that it is soooo bladdy hot back home. Try ordering via the internet.
winter, akk & jaschocolate: Never in a million years would I expect this blog to be turned into a lesbian threesome!
The Gods must be smiling on this blog. ;)
18. aloe left...
Jay must be drooling like mad at the other side now... =P~
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 9:19 am
wah!! Good show... keep it up.... Jay must be drooling like mad at the other side now... =P~
19. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 10:27 am ::
Anna: Good show? Then you leh?
20. aloe left...
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 11:54 am
me.. I urh... go sideline and watch loh... kekeke!
22. winter left...
cannot say my reactions to the tongue in my ear
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 1:28 pm
since when i was part of the show hahahah
cannot say my reactions to the tongue in my ear
23. JayWalk left...
winter: Ask your Jaschocolate. She drag you in one.
winter: Ask your Jaschocolate. She drag you in one.
24. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 2:15 pm
what.. me and my darling self entertained ourselves mah.. cannot meh? ok loh, i self lick myself loh.. but can only lick the hands (like cats), other places cannot reach...
25. aloe left...
Tuesday, 21 February 2006 5:19 pm
i er... zip first before I land myself into more trouble.... =X LOL!!
27. winter left...
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 4:44 pm
jaschocolate> lick PUSSY??? WAHAHAHAHA
28. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 22 February 2006 9:39 pm ::
winter: OOIIIII!!!!!! hahhahhhaahah.... aiyoh... getting R-rated liao.....
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