While we left her to her jigsaw puzzle that she brought along to keep herself occupied, the rest of us adults were eating and chatting at the table.
As we were talking, we started to realised that something's amiss. It was quiet. It was TOO QUIET.
I guessed it took us a while to realised that she has been very quiet for quite some time already. As we turned to look, there she was, fallen asleep in the most awkward of positions.
Sigh... definitely my side of the genes. Can sleep anywhere, anytime one.
- Voxeros
1. OLLie left...
Monday, 8 May 2006 11:50 pm
wah. isnt that position very awkward? Sure neck ache when she wake up de. but so cute. she's still holding the chair for support when she's sleeping. hahaha.. 2. Jaschocolate left...
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 6:02 am
I thought she is playing or something... really asleep ah.. Zai.. 3. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 6:37 am ::
OLLie & Jaschocolate: She was eating her lollipop when she fell asleep. The candy which she was supposed to be holding with her right hand was no longer there and she didn't realised it when she dozed off. 4. akk left...
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 10:12 am
hehehehe.....so when she woke up, got take pic of her face or not? I would, and I'll show my future kid, the before, during and after pics when she's a self-conscious teenager. :) 5. aloe left...
Ouch... aching position to be in..
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 2:14 pm
At first, I tot it was those massage chairs with a hole to put your head thru... LOL! Ouch... aching position to be in..
6. JayWalk left...
Anna: Lucky small kid more limber than us!
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 5:14 pm ::
akk: She slept all the way home. No chance to take "after"-pic.Anna: Lucky small kid more limber than us!
7. winter left...
really got ur genes
can sleep anywhere :P
Tuesday, 9 May 2006 7:15 pm
wah really got ur genes
can sleep anywhere :P
8. KingMeng left...
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 12:32 am :: http://kingmeng.wordpress.com
That looks like the fetal position... 9. Zhe Bin left...
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 1:14 am
LOL. Got ask her what she was doing before that or not? How come reach that position than sleep liao. Hahaha. 10. koreanhousewife left...
>>> Can sleep anywhere, anytime one.
>>> Ok, next time when U come back to singapore, make sure I see U in my bed!
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 2:04 am :: http://www.koreanhousewife.blogspot.com/
Sigh... definitely my side of the genes. Can sleep anywhere, anytime one. >>> Can sleep anywhere, anytime one.
>>> Ok, next time when U come back to singapore, make sure I see U in my bed!
11. JayWalk left... winter: Well, yeah. Maybe. All guys who have gone through army would have been able to do that. Hmm.... maybe Faith should consider a career in the military.
KingMeng: Yeah, come to think of it, it is the fetal position. Well, that explains part of the picture. Good observation!
p.s. BTW, I realised my comments never showed up on your blog. Is Wordpress still thinking that I am spamming your blog?
Zhe Bin: You are not going to believe it. She was eating her lollipop before she fell asleep in that position.
Don't ask me how she got from eating lollipop to sleeping with ass in the sky. I am still figuring that one out.
KoreanHouseWife: Your bed???!! Ok, you are starting to scare me now..... *panic*
KingMeng: Yeah, come to think of it, it is the fetal position. Well, that explains part of the picture. Good observation!
p.s. BTW, I realised my comments never showed up on your blog. Is Wordpress still thinking that I am spamming your blog?
Zhe Bin: You are not going to believe it. She was eating her lollipop before she fell asleep in that position.
Don't ask me how she got from eating lollipop to sleeping with ass in the sky. I am still figuring that one out.
KoreanHouseWife: Your bed???!! Ok, you are starting to scare me now..... *panic*
12. aloe left...
Can lah... We often see people falling asleep with book in hand. This is almost the same thing. hehehe!
Hmm.. maybe you can let her try for Gymnastics or Dance too cos she can contort her body into various positions. hehehe! =P
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 8:56 am
u should be happy.. u are still so "desirable" despite being an out-of-bounds guy... heheh! Can lah... We often see people falling asleep with book in hand. This is almost the same thing. hehehe!
Hmm.. maybe you can let her try for Gymnastics or Dance too cos she can contort her body into various positions. hehehe! =P
13. JayWalk left... Anna: Yeah right! Show me one who falls asleep with book in hand and backside in air!
14. aloe left...
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 2:22 pm
can! Lie front down on a comfy bed and read. Then u will fall asleep, dropping the book and with your backside in the air. 15. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 6:24 pm ::
Anna: Demonstrate and show me photo!!
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