Was at this Japanese restaurant just outside my place. I jaw dropped when I read the menu. The English translation was absolutely hilarious!

35. JayWalk left...

- Voxeros
1. heather left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:07 am :: http://disenchantedprincess.wordpress.co
my gosh, you make me laugh when I'm eating!! Almost choke on my food reading those!
3. ris left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:35 am
hahahaha! talk about literal translation!!
4. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:43 am ::
ris: Vomit blood right? Piangz.
5. sunflower left...
It is soooooooooo funny!
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:45 am
piang oi! i almost fall from my chair. It is soooooooooo funny!
6. JoMel left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 1:11 am :: http://justmeoonly.blogspot.com
Jaw dropping indeed! BOMB PIGS?!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
7. Zhe Bin left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 1:17 am
Hahahaha! I also think the bomb pigs damn funny.
8. Jaslyn left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 3:07 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Hahaha... seriously laugh my head off this! Omfg! How about a BOMB EGG? I will never sit still or even able to order my meal if I'm there!
9. aloe left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 8:43 am
wah raoz!!! Make me laugh out.. later my colleagues think I crazy... :P But in cheena, this always seems to happen....
10. Eddy left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 9:17 am
Wahahaha! I want to look through all their menu!
11. OLLie left...
Eight ClawS Fish ma.
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:31 pm
Eh. They really cannot make it leh. Want literal translation hor, also must be correct ma. Eight ClawS Fish ma.
12. Jaschocolate left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 12:44 pm
Haha.. so what did you eat?
13. spellbound left...
Maybe you should start doing part time F&B consultancy just to do their menu planning and translation for them. Otherwise you can subcontract out to me!
*spellbound slapped her right palm against her forehead*
Thursday, 1 June 2006 4:09 pm :: http://verniceloy.blogspot.com
This is so hilarous!!! I think they just use microsoft word to translate word by word. Maybe you should start doing part time F&B consultancy just to do their menu planning and translation for them. Otherwise you can subcontract out to me!
*spellbound slapped her right palm against her forehead*
14. akk left...
Thursday, 1 June 2006 5:53 pm
last time I was in beijing, i saw this sign that says in chinese to 'keep off the grass' and the english translation is hanyu pinyin.
15. The "Arthur" himself left...
Have a gander at the Lost in Translation web site: http://www.tashian.com/multibabel/
Friday, 2 June 2006 5:46 am
Looks like they used BabelFish to translate. Have a gander at the Lost in Translation web site: http://www.tashian.com/multibabel/
16. JayWalk left...
Sunflower & Anna: That's Ch1na for ya!
Jomel, Jaslyn & ZheBin: Just when we were just joking about Fried Eggs in English become translated to Bomb Eggs in Ch1nese. Here we have a real life example right in front of you. Talk about getting egg in your face!
Eddy: Nothing much on the rest of the menu, I only took those outrageously translated ones.
OLLie: Perhaps I should teach them the concept of back translation i.e. when you translate something from language A to language B, you need to translate it back from B to A in order to ensure that the translation is done correctly.
Sunflower & Anna: That's Ch1na for ya!
Jomel, Jaslyn & ZheBin: Just when we were just joking about Fried Eggs in English become translated to Bomb Eggs in Ch1nese. Here we have a real life example right in front of you. Talk about getting egg in your face!
Eddy: Nothing much on the rest of the menu, I only took those outrageously translated ones.
OLLie: Perhaps I should teach them the concept of back translation i.e. when you translate something from language A to language B, you need to translate it back from B to A in order to ensure that the translation is done correctly.
17. JayWalk left...
Jaschocolate: Well, I did ordered the 8-claw fish to eat definitely. Yum!
Spellbound: Does Microsoft Word have translation function?
Akk: Did you managed to take a picture of that?
Stan M: Welcome to the blog. I doubt if it's the work of Babelfish. Babelfish is something more familiar to the rest of us english-speaking websurfers.
Jaschocolate: Well, I did ordered the 8-claw fish to eat definitely. Yum!
Spellbound: Does Microsoft Word have translation function?
Akk: Did you managed to take a picture of that?
Stan M: Welcome to the blog. I doubt if it's the work of Babelfish. Babelfish is something more familiar to the rest of us english-speaking websurfers.
18. Zhe Bin left...
"The pan is burnt dark winter one".
She's on the meunu leh HAHAHA!
And hor which part of then sentence tells anything about 乌冬面?? SO funny! Maciam they are introducing the burnt pan.
Friday, 2 June 2006 11:50 am
I don't know if Vanna saw this but, "The pan is burnt dark winter one".
She's on the meunu leh HAHAHA!
And hor which part of then sentence tells anything about 乌冬面?? SO funny! Maciam they are introducing the burnt pan.
19. The "Arthur" himself left...
My favorite among weird translations is apocryphal, said to have been seen somewhere in Indonesia: "All water served in this hotel has been personally passed by the manager."
These kinds of malapropisms find their way on to restaurant menus even when there is no need to translate between languages. One that I see frequently is "Maryland half fried chicken."
Friday, 2 June 2006 8:36 pm
The "Lost in Translation" web site is a project someone set up using Babelfish. It's an applet that puts whatever you've input in English through a number of translations using Babelfish, jumping from one language to another (I think it's ten iterations), and then back to English. That site is as addictive as the Internet Anagram Server.My favorite among weird translations is apocryphal, said to have been seen somewhere in Indonesia: "All water served in this hotel has been personally passed by the manager."
These kinds of malapropisms find their way on to restaurant menus even when there is no need to translate between languages. One that I see frequently is "Maryland half fried chicken."
20. winter left...
and i was hoping no one realise my nick.
zhebin, u just had to mention it lor. thanks hor. hahaha
Friday, 2 June 2006 11:20 pm
i nearly peng when i see the menu. this type of translation is VERY extreme leh. and i was hoping no one realise my nick.
zhebin, u just had to mention it lor. thanks hor. hahaha
21. JayWalk left...
ZheBin & Winter: Don't about you guys but somehow "Burnt Dark Winter" reminds me of the time Vanna face black black.
"Hong tao tao, tow kay ah been chao chao..."
Stan M: Thanks for the link to that interesting website. Lotsa fun there!
ZheBin & Winter: Don't about you guys but somehow "Burnt Dark Winter" reminds me of the time Vanna face black black.
"Hong tao tao, tow kay ah been chao chao..."
Stan M: Thanks for the link to that interesting website. Lotsa fun there!
22. winter left...
u got see before meh?? lol
Sunday, 4 June 2006 11:38 am
when vanna face black black huh? u got see before meh?? lol
23. JayWalk left...
Winter: Vanna face black black? DON'T HAVE!! WHERE GOT?? WHO SAY ONE?? NEVER!!!
Winter: Vanna face black black? DON'T HAVE!! WHERE GOT?? WHO SAY ONE?? NEVER!!!
24. Mr. Dew left...
Don't know if you received it.
Saturday, 10 June 2006 5:48 pm :: http://beconfused.com
I thought that was hilarious. I posted it on my blog and left a trackback. ;) Don't know if you received it.
25. JayWalk left...
Mr Dew: Welcome to the blog! Got your trackback request and approved it already. :)
I left a comment on your side but you being on WordPress means that my comments most likely end up in your spam bin. Will need you to go fish it out.
Mr Dew: Welcome to the blog! Got your trackback request and approved it already. :)
I left a comment on your side but you being on WordPress means that my comments most likely end up in your spam bin. Will need you to go fish it out.
26. Mr. Dew left...
Thanks for commenting!
Sunday, 11 June 2006 1:14 am :: http://beconfused.com
Gosh, you're right! You sure know WordPress well. I'm disappointed that my legitimate comments gets into the spam bin! WordPress' being mean here but deactivating that feature is terrible as I'll have a hard time moderating it. I hope those problems would be ironed out soon. Thanks for commenting!
27. JayWalk left...
Mr Dew: I kena a lot of times from your fellow wordpress users liao.
Sometimes until I give up commenting on wordpress blogs. damn pek chek one.
Mr Dew: I kena a lot of times from your fellow wordpress users liao.
Sometimes until I give up commenting on wordpress blogs. damn pek chek one.
28. Ahla left...
Thursday, 31 July 2008 7:06 pm
aiyoyo, that bomb makes my stomach tickle,fried to bomb...i won't eat it(definitely)if it's really a bomb equal to 炸弹...
29. Ahla left...
Thursday, 31 July 2008 7:20 pm
Aiyoyo,that "bomb pig" hor,make my stomach tickle,and "eat definitly" extra tickle! For "eat definitly":force people?to eat? For "bomb pig": eat bomb pig?the pig is actually a bomb...
30. JayWalk left...
Ahla: Welcome to the blog. Glad you enjoy this entry. :)
Ahla: Welcome to the blog. Glad you enjoy this entry. :)
31. Ahla left...
Saturday, 16 August 2008 11:58 am
LOL.if you are gonna ask me what i ate,i ate NOTHING.
32. ahla left...
Saturday, 16 August 2008 1:24 pm
how 'bout 炸蛋?
33. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 17 August 2008 9:32 am ::
AhLa: Awww... where's your sense of adventure?
34. Ahla left...
Saturday, 23 August 2008 1:18 pm
Lol. The pan is dark winter one,Broken English lol ! And When There is a dark winter? The Pan is dark winter,when do dark pans drop during winter?? and thers not even "one" Dark pan dropping down during winter...
Saturday, 23 August 2008 2:20 pm ::
AhLa: I believe it's season. May they switch to light pans in the summer?
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