上个礼拜六 (21/10/2006) 的 南华早报 报道一择新闻使我看了一肚子火.
在国会上禁用英语以对马来语的尊重简直是荒谬! 难道说用英语是有辱马来语的一种举动吗? 真的是一派胡言乱语!
之前, 新加坡李资政谈到在籍马来西亚以及印度尼西亚的华人被当地马来人政府压低头的无奈生活而引起了对方政府的不满. 然而, 为了保持跟对方政府的和谐关系, 李资政不得不撤回所说的话, 并且还向对方政府道歉.
其实李资政所说的话是否确实, 大家心知肚明.
马来人享有特别的待遇过了那么久, 多多少少也形成了习惯成自然. 不提也罢. 但时常不知何处冒出来的混蛋到处搞东搞西, 煽风点火, 搞到大家鸡犬不宁.
"林北" 真的是 "习北干破处定杜揽"!!!
要用马来语是吗?来!谁怕谁? POOKI-MA!
- Voxeros
1. akk left...
Tuesday, 24 October 2006 3:48 pm
wah lau...wa eh cheena boh hor can? read first 2 sentences give up liao...but some of these articles can become Ripley's Believe it or Not..... 2. JayWalk left... Akk: Sigh... you one of those eat potato big one....
3. sunflower left...
Wednesday, 25 October 2006 12:03 am
piang oi, like tat you oso angry.... I think you got one big deal liao for your business. got time for trival stuff... but hor i oso agree with you... 4. AKK left...
Wednesday, 25 October 2006 11:54 am
i can read chinese, but only under duress, like when i no choice must read subtitle when watching anime....hehehe...so my cheena bad, but not potato yet lah...
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