Well, folks the RunForFunds Project marked a successful milestone with the Maximise Your Potential Award Ceremony where the intended money we raised from last year's marathon has safely reached that hands of the kids. No golden taps, no gold peanuts. The full proverbial dollar. Not a single penny less.
For more information, goto http://runforfunds.blogdrive.com . In the mean time, I will mirror that latest entry on the awards to share with everybody.
For those who have helped along the way or would like to help, how about mirroring this post so that more people can be aware of this project. Bear in mind this is not an appeal for funds. We don't accept money from people we don't know. What we do need is well wishers to continue to motivate us to keep this project going as well as in the hope that more people would be inspired to join in the effort and/or start new projects on their own.
With the cumulative effect of all the little efforts around the country, this island would be a better place for you and me.

(MYP award recipients, their parents, Run For Funds Superfriends & Sponsors)
Hi folks,
The Maximise Your Potential (MYP) Award Ceremony was held @ Geylang Methodist Primary School (GMPS) on 16th Sept 2006.

(GMPS Principal Miss Mabel Wee addressing the students and their parents)
This is the 3rd MYP ceremony, since its inauguration @ GMPS in 2004. This year we have 14 MYP award recipients (3 new students). Each received $200 cash, $50 Popular Book Store Voucher and $100 training fund.

(Sharing a lighter moment @ MYP award ceremony)
We also celebrate our first batch of graduates from the MYP programme. Terence Teo and Alfie Lim (MYP 2004 & 2005) have done well in their 2005 PSLE and qualified for the secondary school of their choice. Terence (PSLE score 223) is now at Geylang Methodist Secondary and Alfie (PSLE score 243) at Chung Cheng Secondary School.
Thanks for your support for the Run For Funds movement. Below are pics of the kids you are sponsoring.
But first, here's a thank you message from the kids (they made this card)......

Tan Zhiwei (Pri 6) with Ms Mabel Wee, GMPS Principal

Allamaysah (Pri 6) Tan RuHui (Pri 6)

Chan Qiu Qin (Pri 6)

Karin Low ( Pri 5) with Superfriend Gaz Li Su Ru (Pri 4)

Wong Yong Kang (Pri 4)

Sim Huiting(Pri 5) with Superfriend Meng Hwei

Len Fong Xin ( Pri 5) Leong Weiye (Pri 5)

Nyio Boon Keng (Pri 5) with Superfriend Kelvin

Jacky Thng (Pri 4)

Chen Xiangwei (Pri 4) with Superfriend Wei Ming

Tan ZhiGuang (Pri 3)

Gaz mulling over Adrian's request for him to run 42km this year ...

- Voxeros
1. spinnee left...
Wednesday, 4 October 2006 12:57 pm
limbu has put up the link in my blog liao. wahahahahhaa
2. Meepoktah Maihiam left...
Wednesday, 4 October 2006 12:58 pm
Thank you Brudder for posting this blog. Hope more pple will start something to help those who are disadvantaged. While our Gahmen's social security safety net is quite wide, there are still a lot of gaps. We can, in our own small ways, plug these gaps. No need to be superman and save the world. Every little effort makes a difference.
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