My own personal experience was seeing a motorbike delivering a full sized fridge balanced precariously in pillion. That one really ultimate. Too bad, I didn't have my digital camera with me back then or my picture would have trumped all of the following below.
Nevertheless, still a very amusing set of photos.

- Voxeros
1. v_icks left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 7:58 pm ::
The pipe one looked a lot like a battering ram... Haha great pictures! 2. sunflower left...
Thursday, 23 November 2006 12:17 am
Hubby said he oso saw something like tat in Vietnam too! 3. ris left...
Thursday, 23 November 2006 12:05 pm
wah, how do they even balance?! the ducks look kinda confused though sunflower: Really wasted, I didn't take picture of the motorbike balancing the full size fridge when I was there in Oct 2005.
RIS: Balance carefully lor, Left side weight equal right side weight lor. I heart pain the suspension system though. Confirm spoil liao.
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