First, we have Gabe taking his first step and now he is climbing all over the place. We are eagerly waiting for him to utter his first word, which we think is very soon now.
He has started to develop the ability to express his anger and frustration, From the usual "WAH WAH WAH" to frantically rubbing his head like the Three Stooges, to trying to beat you with his fists and finally the ultimate See Gao Nuah Ter*, rolling all over the floor. A bit like Homer Simpson lah.
* (死狗烂猪)
Anyway, I was thinking that once Gabe can speak, I will teach him some of the classic phrases.
Below are my top 5 favourite things to teach Gabe to speak.
No.5 - Papa & Mama (of course).
No.4 - Thank you & Please.
No.3 - 小姐,一个人啊?要不要做朋友?
No.2 - Chiobu! Ai giah stay-dee mai?
and the No.1 thing I will teach Gabe is....
*drum roll*
Press Ctrl-A to highlight the answer....
大。。。。 象。。 大。。。。 象。。 |
- Voxeros
1. Sheena left...
Anyway, he's grown so big and cute! And to think the last time I saw him he was a lil' 3-month old baby. Damn... time flies. He looks a lot like his mommy. Though on first glance my first thought was that he looks exactly like you, but the more I look at him the more he looks like your wifey.
Tuesday, 21 November 2006 1:52 am
Wah lau what kind of a daddy are you? You forgot to teach him "Ai zo wo eh siao-eh mai?"!!! Anyway, he's grown so big and cute! And to think the last time I saw him he was a lil' 3-month old baby. Damn... time flies. He looks a lot like his mommy. Though on first glance my first thought was that he looks exactly like you, but the more I look at him the more he looks like your wifey.
2. sunflower left...
Anyway, I think otherwise from Sheena.
I think he looks like you. Maybe she is right, since I only have pic impression of you and your wifey. So I think Gabriel looks like you.
But for sure, he dont have baby look liao. I suspect, tat will be his look in the future. And I think he is already very handsome. A potential woman killer in the future.
Tuesday, 21 November 2006 9:01 am
Ha, I tht F*ck, NB, KNN, etc should be in you list, No? Anyway, I think otherwise from Sheena.
I think he looks like you. Maybe she is right, since I only have pic impression of you and your wifey. So I think Gabriel looks like you.
But for sure, he dont have baby look liao. I suspect, tat will be his look in the future. And I think he is already very handsome. A potential woman killer in the future.
3. JayWalk left... Sheena: Harlow, "ai zo wah eh siao-eh mai?" is for girl one lah.... How can guy use this phrase? You call a girl siao-eh, confirm tio mao one.
Sunflower: Those words too easy lah... he can go learn on his won. My No.5 and No.4 is compulsory learning. The rest are the classics ok! Next time Gabe hor, grow up to be Cultured Beng to hoot the Elite Scholars ok!
Sunflower: Those words too easy lah... he can go learn on his won. My No.5 and No.4 is compulsory learning. The rest are the classics ok! Next time Gabe hor, grow up to be Cultured Beng to hoot the Elite Scholars ok!
4. Jaslyn left...
Tuesday, 21 November 2006 11:51 am :: http://precious-jas.blogspot.com
Gabe soo cute! I wonder why u wanna teach him how to say da-xiang.. Hhahaha... Must teach him singing and dancing, next time become idol! Hahahah 5. Sheena left...
Tuesday, 21 November 2006 5:55 pm
Hah? For girl only ah? Nabeh I even sought advice from the Ah Seng of all Ah Sengs, Andy. He told me this was THE Ah Beng phrase. 6. Jaschocolate left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 9:38 am
I am at loss with your number 1 choice... Teach him the cockroach song lah.. easier to memorise.. kan zhe zhang lan wo bu pai bu pai la.. :p 7. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 10:10 am ::
Jaschocolate: What can be more difficult than 大象.... 大象... ? 8. spinnee left...
yandao kia leh. :)
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 10:14 am :: http://spinnee.blogspot.com
hahahaha u want to make your gab into XIAOXIN? :) yandao kia leh. :)
9. Meepoktah Maihiam left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 12:39 pm
Jay - I think you should teach Gabe to say "Eh, ai gar wa steady mai?" 10. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 12:42 pm ::
Meepoktah: I'm way ahead of you on this one. That's my No.2. 11. ris left...
Wednesday, 22 November 2006 6:01 pm
gabriel looks so handsome! but why teach him 大。。。。 象? 12. JayWalk left... RIS: Before I answer that, I need to know if you have ever watched the cartoon 蜡笔小新?
13. JayWalk left...
http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=IsgqnHejP7E
Thursday, 23 November 2006 9:31 am ::
RIS: Here's an episode of 蜡笔小新. Hope that will shed some light. http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=IsgqnHejP7E
14. ris left...
Thursday, 23 November 2006 11:55 am
HAHAHAHA! ok, i get it now xD wait next time he kenna arrested for indecent exposure ah!
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