
15 January 2007

Faith & Gabe Go To Bed

I was in the study when the wife came running in, "Come look at this!"

I followed her to the bedroom only to find these two little tykes sleeping away.

My first exclamation was "Wah lau! Sleep until so pai kuar!!"

Confirm must be wife's side of the genes one. :P

- Voxeros


1. heather made this comment,
I can imagine them growing up in the future and taking a picture of you sleeping ugly in bed. lol..sweet revenge. haha.
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 03:22 GMT+08

2. JayWalk made this comment,
Heather: I am afraid they will be sorely disappointed. I slept very nice one ok!
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 09:04 GMT+08

3. ianrush made this comment,

ai ya! you slept ugly in bed lah, didn't you? : )
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 11:05 GMT+08

4. Mae made this comment,
they look very sweet ;)
i think everybody once slept like that when they were young..! it's the kinda sleep only children are capable of.
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 14:41 GMT+08

5. sunflower made this comment,
lol, i sleep like Faith but my leg more
curve up!

Where got ugly... you try sleeping like tat, i doubt you can!
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 15:07 GMT+08

6. JayWalk made this comment,

ianrush: Ahem. No. I sleep very nice one.

Mae: Welcome to the blog! Maybe I should keep this photo until later when they are much older before I show them again. Maybe like 20 years later.

Sunflower: Leg more curve up? As in up in the air?? *gasp!*
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 16:14 GMT+08

7. spinnee made this comment,

kids usually sleep like this if they are feeling secured and carefree. if adults sleep like this, this shows they know how not to worry too much...

by the way, they both look like u leh. xeroxed out one ...ahahahah
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 18:34 GMT+08

8. JayWalk made this comment,
Spinnee: If adults see until like that, chances are he or she is damn drunk and passed out. Hahahaah... Xerox? Well, thank you for the compliment. :)
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 22:41 GMT+08

9. KingMeng made this comment,
Hmm...nothing wrong mah. I mean, everyone sleep with their eyes closed. :P
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 22:41 GMT+08

10. JayWalk made this comment,
KingMeng: True lah... but I would prefer my little girl to sleep with her legs closed lah. LOL!
comment added :: 16th January 2007, 23:18 GMT+08

11. Jaslyn made this comment,

Hahaha.. Sorie ah.. Buay tahan I keep laughing on your reply to KingMeng!!! LOL LOL
comment added :: 17th January 2007, 00:23 GMT+08

12. JayWalk made this comment,
Jaslyn: Aiyah... this type of thing is auto father-instinct one lah.... :P
comment added :: 17th January 2007, 08:23 GMT+08

13. Jaschocolate made this comment,
Sleep like this, i sure get neck ache in the morning...
comment added :: 23rd January 2007, 19:37 GMT+08

14. JayWalk made this comment,
Jaschocolate: Won't lah... they tend to move all over the place while they sleep.
comment added :: 23rd January 2007, 23:29 GMT+08

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