As I have mentioned my JiangXi trip recently, the mercury dropped drastically as I headed 500km North. I had my long-sleeve polo, vest and a jacket to keep warm. Good thing I remember bringing my Nike thermal gloves as my finger joints have this tendency to ache very badly under extreme coldness.
It was a nice 15 degree Celsius when I set off and by the time I reached my destination it was down to just 3 degrees. Luckily, I was indoors and pumped full of alcohol when I retired to bed. It probably would have drop to Zero (or even lower) as the night wore on.
- Voxeros
2. Pam made this comment,
hats/scarves? at the mo, it's 11 deg high and about 3 at night. i wear a long sleeve top and a sweater at work, plus the winter jacket for outside, a scarf and a woolly hat if i'm going out for a long time. did
you hear, in New York, it's 22 degC!! m'gawd, global warming is happening !!!
3. JayWalk made this comment,
Pam: Sweater very unglam leh.... haiz... I is ai swee mai mia one... :P
ok seriously, I dislike sweater as it is very leceh to remove once indoors. I prefer clothes that can be put on and remove easily.
4. Pam made this comment,
5. Pam made this comment,
6. spinnee made this comment,
7. JayWalk made this comment,
to me to control leh since it is other people's building leh.
Spinnee: I am back like in relatively warmer temperature of 15 deg Celsius.
8. sunflower made this comment,
You should have checked the temperture before you set off for your trip. Errr...... trying to impress in the end, end up freezing!!
9. JayWalk made this comment,
average folk helped quite a bit.