Anyway, Everton (nickname) just moved over to the southern tip of Texas and is happily settling down. Gone are the days of frost-biting bitter weather in the north.
In the email, he talked about the local students situation here and seeing how many of you readers of this blog are also juggling working and studying. I hope this would be some kind of inspiration to you. Working and studying is never an easy combination but many chose to take this path mostly for financial reasons. I salute those who still have the drive to further their education.
I place the pursuit of education in very high regards, so much so that I am helping quite a number of students even as we speak, both financially and otherwise.
Anyway, pass this entry to those who may benefit from this little tale of inspiration. It is not a shameless plug.
Not this time anyway.
To the skeptics who still think I am. Fine. So long as I can get 1 more person benefit from this little entry of encouragement. So be it. Let me be the shameless plugger. I'll take the bullet for this.
Read on.
. On 5/2/07, Everton Chen wrote: hey hey hey don't get me into trouble, I am old enough to be my students' father :-) |
- Voxeros
1. akk left...
Thursday, 3 May 2007 5:24 pm
nice.....so many people take their own good lives for granted. 2. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 3 May 2007 9:24 pm ::
Akk: I only hope for my reader/friend to be inspired by this little tale. As and when they feel lost or disheartened juggling work and studies and/or even families, I just hope my way of encouragement would serve its purpose as it was originally intended. 3. hiaoauntie left...
Saturday, 5 May 2007 12:20 am
i always have an affinity for texas and its ppl coz my gd ang mo fren tim is a texan.... working and studying at the same time is hard (i shld noe that) but i salute those who made lots of sacrifices to attain higher education... 4. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 5 May 2007 9:12 am ::
hiaoauntie: Speaking of Texans, I am expecting a Texan customer this morning. His cuff links, buttons and lapel pin all got bears the symbol of the Longhorn. True-blue Texas dude and a very nice guy, if I may add. 5. hiaoauntie left...
Sunday, 6 May 2007 1:53 am
trust me, ppl from texas are very nice... seems like all of them are nice! (as far as those i had met) 6. JayWal left...
Sunday, 6 May 2007 9:21 am ::
hiaoauntie: Not to mention quite *cough* big sized *cough cough* too.... 7. hiaoauntie left...
Sunday, 6 May 2007 5:29 pm
i don't know why you are coughing but if my guess is correct, then oi! how come you noe!!!! (are you also inclined towards the other side???) 8. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 6 May 2007 7:28 pm ::
hiaoauntie: I say big size as in big built lah. Not dua kee lah... You are most jialat!!!
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