For those who noticed that I have been missing from MSN during last week, that's because I have been traveling. It was a case of "sit car more than sit office". We were on a trip to seek out new satellite factories that we can recruit to sub-contract our orders out, in the effort to ease the pressure of orders backlogged as well as to expand our output capacity.
On the recommendation of an existing satellite factory, we heading southwest to TaiShan City (台山市) SiJiu Town (四九镇). By my calculations, it should be about 330km away. Somewhat like making a trip up to KL from Singapore.

The closer we get to our destination, the smaller the roads. This was the path leading to the satellite factory that we are supposed to qualify. I kinds reminds me of Jalan Ulu Sembawang / Marsiling when I was in NS. Either that or one of the quaint little towns along N-S Highway like Yong Peng or Ayer Hitam.

As, I stepped out of the car, I took a look around to observe the environment. It's a quiet little town but given the number of people that I see in the vicinity, it is more of a village than a town as officially classified.
Probably a mass exodus of people (especially the young people) headed into the city to find better paying work. I speculate that this place, from my observation, used to be agricultural farmland and has since been abandoned to support the industralisation of the the city where it is deemed to be more lucrative.

This the biggest building in the town where it was supposed to be the satellite factory that we were supposed to do due diligence. As it turned out, it used to be the town's cinema where they used to screen those propaganda pro-party films. If you are hoping for Hollywood fare, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Anyway, this picture was taken as we were about to leave and it was about 5:30pm. Dinner time for these folks.

This is the entrance to the cinema/factory and on the other side of the board, there was a charts, on the other side, that said "Population: 1009" as this place also serve as the Family Planning Office (population control). I doubt if the chart is updated as I think there is not more than 200 people here.

This is the inside of the "cinema" that has since been converted into a woodworking factory. The wall you see in front of you is where the screen was supposed to be as the floor sloped down towards it.

This picture was taken in the adjacent building where the finishing of the products is done. This used to be somebody's home before it was abandoned and converted.
Verdict? This satellite facility was not up to our requirement as we deemed it too small to handle our sub-contracts.
Click here to see the rest of the pictures that I have taken.
- Voxeros
1. slurp! left...
area looks clean probably becoz they have not being "polluted" by modern "conveniences" yet.
Thursday, 5 July 2007 1:25 am
where they source their wood and what kind of wood they got over there ah? area looks clean probably becoz they have not being "polluted" by modern "conveniences" yet.
Thursday, 5 July 2007 9:26 am ::
slurp!: Southern parts of Spitland source their wood in the Hainan and Yunnan region. They are also known to import wood from their Myanmar neighbours at the border. Places like Inner Mongolia are also known to be a source of timber. There are many species of wood available in Spitland. On top of the usual Pine, Birch, Ash, Poplar and Maple, there are the species with only Ch1nese names like 白木莲, 水曲柳 etc.. which I have no English translation for that.
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