I deliberately made it a low-key affair as the trip was extremely short and I hate to have to say "Sorry, I can't meet you."
So hence the lack of fanfare and notice. No disappointment if there isn't anticipation.
Still, I did managed to meet a few folks and missed a few too owing to the short notice.
I think those Mobilisation Exercise Notification also not as secret secret as this trip.
Anyway, this trip is to send the kids back. Spitland is no place to raise children. It breaks your heart to see them go in and out of the hospital like clockwork. They get fevers like a teenager gets pimples. Yes, it is THAT bad.
Then, there is the education. Local standard is really CMI type while international schools though less CMI, are a blatant rip-off. They are aware that expat parents do not have a choice. Hence, the ease of getting the parents to just obediently cough up the dough to send their children to a place where you can't really guarantee if they would actually learn something at the end of the day.
Perhaps, it takes a Singaporean to live outside of the country and look back in before we can fully appreciate our education system. Sure, there are the hiccups from time to time but put it side-by-side with the other countries' respective systems, I am proud to say that we are way ahead of them.
However, I can only say this up to Junior College level for I think the US & UK university standards are still a long distance ahead of our current NTU, NUS, etc.
Coming back, apologies for keeping so quiet and not meeting up. I will try to make it up when I return for Christmas.
- Voxeros
1. Gary left...
Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:38 pm
eh.. at least your so-call mobilisation exercise was a success.. wahahaha.. 2. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 6 September 2007 9:13 am ::
Gary: Not exactly, I did have a couple of people whom I've called but couldn't make it. 3. Chocolate gal left...
Friday, 7 September 2007 1:54 pm
Muahaha.. i think with ur popularity, u are easily forgiven... 4. JayWalk left...
Friday, 7 September 2007 4:11 pm ::
Chocgal: Thanks for the compliment. I hope I am not easily forgotten for that matter too. 5. Chocolate gal left...
Not to worry on that point.. Handsome daddy sure wont be forgotten.. So is the wife staying with the kids or had gone back china with you?
Saturday, 8 September 2007 4:02 pm

6. JayWalk left...
Sunday, 9 September 2007 2:56 am ::
ChocoGal: Wife and kids returning to Singapore for good liao. I am bachelor again. :P 7. Chocolate gal left...
Monday, 10 September 2007 11:08 pm
okay.. be good over there hor... dont want stepmom :p 8. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 11 September 2007 7:46 am ::
Chocolate Gal: Neither do I, coz stepmom means only one. Where got enough? kekekekeke......
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