It's a new high with 18,725 unique page views and a bandwidth consumption of 979.37 MB.
Fortunately, I doubt if it is any time soon that I have to start paying for extra bandwidth should it exceed my quota of 2 GB. I supposed the "Tomorrow I Not Free Lah!!" helped.
Yeah, it may still be an insignificant number compared to the usual popular blogs who probably get those numbers in a single day (or maybe by lunch time).
Still, it's not like this is a competition or anything. I am just marveled how readership has grown since my NTUVAX email list days (subscription base : 23 people) back in the early 90s.
I guess it fun to look back at the path walked from time to time.
So anyway, a big thank you for staying with me and Walking with Jay on the Walk of Jay.
Image Credit: http://www.jupiterimages.com
- JayWalk / Voxeros
1. Red Queen left...
Friday, 2 November 2007 8:59 am
Wah why so keh kee?? So Can we Trip you while walking with you ahahahaha 2. OLLie left...
Friday, 2 November 2007 1:20 pm :: http://ooohlah.lah.cc
Wooo.. I'm contributing to 30 unique page views per month.. hahaha.. 3. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 3 November 2007 9:14 am ::
Red Queen & Ollie: It's a long walk ahead of us and it is always good to have company. :) 4. barffie left...
Saturday, 3 November 2007 11:09 pm
Darn. I wished I had so many readers. *MOAN* Sunday, 4 November 2007 9:28 am ::
Barffie: Readership stat is just a number and nothing else. It's just an indication telling you that someone out there is reading what you are writing.Be it 23 people on my old NTUVAX list or 18,000+ views last month on the blog, I am equally happy.
I supposed writing regularly helps as it gives people a reason to come back everyday for the latest entry.
So stats comparison is meaningless if you get what I mean. More importantly, I am reading you.
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