I must say that the Visit Malaysia tourism campaign's tag line "Malaysia. Truly Asia." was beautifully done. Singapore's Uniquely Singapore is well... not bad either and then there is also Thailand's Amazing Thailand which is also relatively easy to roll around the tongue.
I supposed the Induhnesian neighbours not wanting to be outdone, came up with their own, in line with their "Visit Indonesia 2008 : Celebrating 100 Years Of Nation's Awakening" campaign.
According to the language experts, the tag line was grammatically wrong and it was plastered all over the place (including 10 Garudas at the cost of USD 1800 each) before someone from the net spotted it and took it to the papers. By then the damage was done and plenty of red faces in the various Gahmen departments, although it was "rumoured that some still thought it was right".
Personally, if you ask me, I wouldn't have spotted the error since a) my engerand ish also half-past six and b) I didn't understand the tag line to begin with. Still, that's just me, a lowly commoner on the street.
But surely, the InDUHnesian Gahmen would have taken greater due care when handling projects of this magnitude, right? Talk about throw face! This project represents the country on the global map leh!
Oh well, come to think of it, they did managed to put Indonesia on the world map with this boo boo.
InDUHnesia : We Use A Lot Of Liquid Paper On Our Garudas!
- IOL (21 Dec 2007) - Grammatical Error Hits Tourism Campaign
- The Age (20 Dec 2007) - Indonesia Scurries To Fix Blunder In New Campaign
- USA Today (22 Dec 2007) - Grammatical Error Prompts Indonesia To Scrap New Tourism Slogan
- Voxeros
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