We were rudely awakened by CowBoyCaleb super loud alarm clock at 6-friggin'-30 in the morning, also known as CowBoyCaleb's Magic Time (Please ask him directly. Thank you.)
As RedQueen's room was just next to us (yes, we remembered to dead-bolt our doors), we banged on common wall to see if there was any response from the other side. Apparently, calling room-to-room in this hotel need to go through an operator (sibeh leceh) and we were afraid to leave the room until we were sure RedQueen no more kee siao.
"BONG! BONG! BONG!" We pounded on the common wall.
Hmm.... no response, must still be concussed.
Try again. "BONG! BON........."
"BAM! BAM! BAM! (faint murmuring of Hokkien profanities)". Ahh.... RedQueen wake up already.
We had breakfast at the lovely Luk Yu Tea House at Stanley Road, which was a short leisurely downhill stroll. The walk back UP the hill (I thought it was short?) wasn't too fantastic though. Wah lau.... siang hor kai siao??! Oh wait... that would be me. Oops.
But I have to say that RedQueen, while still concussed throughout the first half of the day, was a real trooper and she fought on to keep up with the rest of us, instead of just taking the easy way out and snooze the day away in the hotel room.
We checked out and headed for the ferry to Macau and we reached the Venetian Macau at around lunch time where we had a good Portuguese lunch before heading to the casino floors to "start work".
As this was the first trip to Macau with CowBoyCaleb, it was interesting to observe his "warm up" ritual. For me, I have the habit of walking around and getting a feel of the atmosphere.
Do I Feel Lucky Today?
At the Blackjack area, I spend sometime casing the scene. Observe the table limits and their distribution. Watch the tables play a few hands and then cross out the Hot Dealer Tables.
I didn't feel very "good" that day and also due to the fact that Macau rules and Vegas rules were slightly different and I wasn't happy about it as I felt Macau rules favour the house more it should.
Note to self: Stay with Vegas.
Anyway, the dealers were HOT that day where they would draw a 21 to beat my 20 repeatedly! Let me give you a freaky example:
JayWalk: Two cards totaling 16. I stayed.
Dealer: Has a 4. He opened his second card and it was another 4.
JayWalk: I was thinking this is not good as his two cards add up to 8. A picture card would put him to 18 and win.
Dealer: Draws another 4 which makes 12.
JayWalk: Phew! Now would be a good time for the picture card to bust him at 22.
Dealer: Draws another 4!
JayWalk: Four 4s in a row? What are the chances?? So dealer is at 16 which means he needs to hit one more card. Any card 6 or above and he bust. I thought I was going to win this hand.
Dealer: Draws an Ace. 17. Dealer wins.
JayWalk: WTF???
So I burned through about 1/4 of my budget and I thought this is not my day. Better quit before I sink further.
I joined up with CowBoyCaleb and likewise, he was wiped out pretty quickly too.
- Voxeros
1. Red Queen left...
Wednesday, 16 January 2008 7:16 pm
Eh simi dead bolt the door. I wondered who was the one who was begging me to rescue him..Tio magic pony until song song right???
Saturday, 19 January 2008 12:51 am ::
RedQueen: If you remember, I gave up asking for help hor!
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