*sigh of relief*
OK, here they are and you can all thank me for it. Plug me w.r.t. to this entry. Gimme my 15 minutes of fame. Dammit!
Anyway, click on the respective chalkboards for a bigger view (I recommend "Small 240 x 181 px" for best results).
Also click on the respective names to read their blogs.
*take a bow*
Afternote: Sorry for leaving out the Daffodil by accident. I knew something was missing!
- Voxeros
1. Dowagr left...
why look like grey matters??!
eh.. what's 7+9..? *think*
Friday, 23 May 2008 3:27 am :: http://dowagr.liquidblade.com
*laugh at the caulifrower* why look like grey matters??!
eh.. what's 7+9..? *think*
2. JY left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 9:15 am
You nehver put mai Daffodil man!
3. darkelfin left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 10:16 am
where's mine?? *pouts*
4. Posh left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 10:31 am
love my flower! thanks!
5. starstar left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 10:32 am
aierrr.... i dont have.... :( sad.
6. aloe left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 10:45 am :: http://www.xanga.com/aloeve
yes yes!! I've been saving your flowers too! :) Will blog about it. :) Thankie!!! :)
7. sunflower left...
Can i have the softcopy for wall paper?
Friday, 23 May 2008 10:46 am
wah.... nice piece of work! Can i have the softcopy for wall paper?
8. JF left...
Friday, 23 May 2008 1:45 pm :: http://www.jeshuafreak.blogspot.com
MsV should have been a Venus Flytrap
9. barffie left...
Saturday, 24 May 2008 12:12 am
10. AURORE left...
Saturday, 24 May 2008 7:13 am :: http://aurore.vefblog.net
Very nice yours flowers...!!congretulations !!
11. Chocolate gal left...
Saturday, 24 May 2008 1:43 pm
DONE~~~ Hehehehee.. i still dont understand why DPL is cactus and r3g is cauliflower..
12. THB left...
Saturday, 24 May 2008 2:04 pm :: http://the-hb-diaries.blogspot.com
I can picture myself wearing a kimono and a paper umbrella in hand dancing under Cherry Blossom trees!!!! Thank u!!! MUACKZ!!!!
13. YuNz left...
Saturday, 24 May 2008 10:11 pm
thankew uncle for the frower! =D
14. merryfeet left...
Sunday, 25 May 2008 12:58 am
Hahha, xin ku le! Thanks sia!
15. CoWg0eSm0o left...
Sunday, 25 May 2008 10:04 pm :: http://cowg0esm0o.liquidblade.com
wah....so many flowers... so after drawing the veggie kingdom, time to draw species from the insect, marine, animal series??? =P
16. Airpork left...
Monday, 26 May 2008 12:17 am
hehe. I love my frower! Thanks loads uncle Jay!(:
17. JD left...
Monday, 26 May 2008 12:32 am
Thanks alot Jaywalk :) its Bootiful
18. rn left...
Monday, 26 May 2008 10:01 pm :: http://rationalneurotic.liquidblade.com
I just realised that WTF how come you know so many species of flowers man! Respect.
19. JayWalk left...
JY: So sorry!!! I knew something was missing when I published it but just couldn't put a finger to it. Anyway, it's up liao.
DarkElfin: Uncle Fong, you no ask, I no draw lor. p.s. You don't pout can? Siber eeyer....
Posh: You're most welcome. :) Your dollie is next!
Starmist: Same as DarkElfin lor, I didn't know you want me. Had you ask me at Wala Wala that Thursday, I would have drawn on the spot! Jay-Frower Unplugged!
Aloe: Glad you liked it. I'm more than happy to do it for you.
Sunflower: Click your flower and you will goto my flickr account where you flower is. Select > All Sizes > Download Original.
JF: Well.... that night, Venus Flytrap dunno kena eaten by who ah? Who ah? Too bad you left too early to see it.
Barffie: Cheers!
Aurore: Merci beau coup.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008 2:57 pm ::
Dowagr: I seroiusly think you need to eat more cauliflower... JY: So sorry!!! I knew something was missing when I published it but just couldn't put a finger to it. Anyway, it's up liao.
DarkElfin: Uncle Fong, you no ask, I no draw lor. p.s. You don't pout can? Siber eeyer....
Posh: You're most welcome. :) Your dollie is next!
Starmist: Same as DarkElfin lor, I didn't know you want me. Had you ask me at Wala Wala that Thursday, I would have drawn on the spot! Jay-Frower Unplugged!
Aloe: Glad you liked it. I'm more than happy to do it for you.
Sunflower: Click your flower and you will goto my flickr account where you flower is. Select > All Sizes > Download Original.
JF: Well.... that night, Venus Flytrap dunno kena eaten by who ah? Who ah? Too bad you left too early to see it.
Barffie: Cheers!
Aurore: Merci beau coup.
20. JayWalk left...
THB: Oooo.... THB in kimono..... iLike!!!
Yunz: Thanks for coming to the Party. Too bad, we didn't drink much together.
MerryFeet: Bu Ke Qi!!
CowGoesMoo: No way! I think I shall retire from requests until the next bout of itchy backside.
Air Pork: No problem. Always happy to do it for the naked ladies.
JD: You're welcome too. See you on MSN soon!
RN: The ability to sian xmm at Jay-Meister level didn't come falling from the sky. I paid my dues.
Tuesday, 27 May 2008 3:03 pm ::
Chocolate Gal: Thanks for the plug and my 15 mins of fame. kekeekekeke THB: Oooo.... THB in kimono..... iLike!!!
Yunz: Thanks for coming to the Party. Too bad, we didn't drink much together.
MerryFeet: Bu Ke Qi!!
CowGoesMoo: No way! I think I shall retire from requests until the next bout of itchy backside.
Air Pork: No problem. Always happy to do it for the naked ladies.
JD: You're welcome too. See you on MSN soon!
RN: The ability to sian xmm at Jay-Meister level didn't come falling from the sky. I paid my dues.
21. YuNz left...
Tuesday, 27 May 2008 5:39 pm
you ang pai what. how to keep you with me and drink.
22. akk left...
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 9:17 am
i want your chalkboard!!!!
23. JayWalk left...
Akk: Er.... I think ikea also got sell.....
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 12:29 pm ::
Yunz: OK Lah.....next time, I go Island to date you liao lah.... Akk: Er.... I think ikea also got sell.....
24. starm|st left...
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 3:47 pm :: http://starmist.liquidblade.com
muahaha.. it's alright. i figured i'm not pwetty (like dpl) nor xmm enough (again, like dpl) for you to draw a frower for me.. btw! where did you disappeared to on thurs?? i saw you once and the next time i turned around, you were gone *poof*!
25. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 4:53 pm ::
Starmist: You quite the chiobu also what. But too bad, it was so crowded and so never have a chance to have a good chat with you. Anyway, I left after the second set ended.
26. Rachel left...
Thursday, 29 May 2008 6:03 pm
why i also no have... :( no flowers for lmm one.
27. JayWalk left...
Friday, 30 May 2008 9:32 am ::
Rachel: Harlow. The application window was opened for 40 days. I don't think I got a request from you at all during this period wor...... Besides, you are the reason how all these flowers got started. You go ask your Market Spoiler to draw you one lah!
28. starm|st left...
Friday, 30 May 2008 1:43 pm
haha.. i'm the old-bu you mean. yeah, you did a david copperfield. difficult to talk when there were so many peeps around i guess. :)
29. JayWalk left...
Friday, 30 May 2008 6:20 pm ::
Starmist: You old-bu still my xmm ok! Anyway, that night you were so far inside, want to reach you also difficult.
30. Rachel left...
Saturday, 31 May 2008 4:37 am
wei wei wei... one issue is one issue ok.. that one is lubee draw for me. this one is my lmm privilege mah! dunch care. i want venus flytrap or whatever predatory flower. :P
31. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:47 am ::
Rachel: Predatory flower? Hmm..... send me your photo. I draw. wakakaakakakaka *teh*
32. Bobo left...
Friday, 6 June 2008 11:28 pm :: http://brainybimbo.blogspot.com
Such pretty flowers!! but i still love THB's the most!
33. JayWalk left...
Saturday, 7 June 2008 5:28 pm ::
Bobo: Hi Bobo and welcome to the blog. Do you know THB? Anyway, if I were to pick a favourite, I'd probably go for the Barffie White Rose coz it was the most difficult.
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