This was plastered all over Ta1wan news yesterday and the incident was blogged by 阿之宝.
For the eat potato friends, here's what happened.
There was the construction yard where the telephone poles were laid on the ground for later deployment. And there were 4 puppies who happened to be there making a lot of noise disturbing the peace of the neighbours.
So apparently, some one called the dog pound and the dog catchers arrived scaring the puppies to run for cover. Unfortunately, in their panic, they burrowed themselves within the gaps of the poles, only to find themselves trapped. They were too far in that the people couldn't reach them and pull them out and the puppies themselves couldn't get themselves out either.
ChungHwa Telecom was the company that own the telephone poles and they were contacted about the plight of these four puppies.
At first the folks were skeptical that a big corporation like ChungHwa Telecom would even bother to deal with this but surprise! surprise! ChungHwa Telecom despatched 3 cranes and 10 personnel to the puppies' rescue!
Hip Hip Hooray!
However, by the time they arrived, it was raining and it was dark, making the rescue extremely difficult as a wrong move could easy crush the puppies to death.
For the sake of the four puppies, the guys promptly returned the next day when the sun came back up again and rescue work began.

It was all in a morning's work and the puppies were all rescued!
This little story was broadcasted on the Ta1wan news and has touched the hearts of many people. Some even want to switch their mobile phone operator to ChungHwa Telecom!
I just like to salute these guys for having a heart and that hopefully, it would inspire more people to do the same.
The world could use with a little more love.

Image Credits: http://blog.sina.com.tw/thetiger3
- Voxeros
1. lancerlord left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:12 am :: http://lancerlord.blogspot.com
Thanks, I'm one of those gan dang ones. I needed the translation. 2. thiang left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 1:55 am :: http://thiang.blogspot.com
Ah zhi bao makes me think of the word "Archibald". Muaha. 3. JayWalk left...
Thiang: Well, I have no idea what it meant. The originating blog says that it is supposed to be the author's daughter name. Gee..
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 7:46 am ::
Lancerlord: You're welcome, my potato friend. :) Thiang: Well, I have no idea what it meant. The originating blog says that it is supposed to be the author's daughter name. Gee..
4. Posh left...
I am a Chunghwa Telecom convert liao..... heart them lots lots! Now, you wouldn't see that happening in SG would you?!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 10:43 am
Another potato here, shank you shank you for translation! I am a Chunghwa Telecom convert liao..... heart them lots lots! Now, you wouldn't see that happening in SG would you?!
5. JayWalk left...
The the ENV will push to AVA who in turn push back to ENV arguing who should be responsible for disposing of the dead puppies.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 11:40 am ::
Posh: The way I see it, Singtel will push to the police who in turn push to the Civil Defence who in turn push to AVA who in turn push to SPCA who in turn push to the Zoo. At the end of the day after numerous rounds of ding dong ding dong. The puppies died. The the ENV will push to AVA who in turn push back to ENV arguing who should be responsible for disposing of the dead puppies.
6. darkelfin left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 11:55 am
and subsequently the cute little puppies were brought to the pound and put to sleep. may they rest in peace. 7. Posh left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 11:59 am
U forgot also.... a full blow inquiry into the incident, Parliamentary debates, public denials of any wrong doings, etc! Boohoohoo! 8. JayWalk left...
Posh: And MM Lee would later come in and chide us, saying that it's our own fault for letting that happen.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:04 pm ::
Darkelfin: The follow up story (second link) said that all the puppies were adopted subsequently. Posh: And MM Lee would later come in and chide us, saying that it's our own fault for letting that happen.
9. Posh left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:10 pm
yah man! From Nicoll to Mas to pups.... any need for SOPs to be written on such "incidents"? NO lor.... cos we already know the unspoken SOPs by heart! We heart it lots lots... BAH! 10. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:45 pm ::
Posh: I wonder how Wong Kan Seng is going to wriggle out of the father-use-son's-passport-by-mistake fiasco this time. 11. Posh left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:59 pm
you never know! remember, there is such a thing as teacher's pet..... ;) 12. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 1:52 pm ::
Posh: Probably disappear and act blur again lor. 13. Linny. left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 3:22 pm :: http://linnny.blogspot.com
Yay for translation :D I love everybody who love dogs. *love* 14. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 4:53 pm ::
Linny: I lurbe dogs so you lurbe me har? *shy* 15. CoWg0eSm0o left...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 10:14 pm
let's all support and jump over. screw singtel m1 and starhub. 16. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 26 June 2008 8:03 am ::
CowGoesMoo: Yeah... and let's them screw you with all the roaming charges while you are here... Riiiiiight..... 17. grasshopper left...
Thursday, 26 June 2008 1:45 pm
this story melted my heart a bit....aaaaawwwwwww......puppies~~~~~ Thursday, 26 June 2008 4:02 pm ::
Grasshopper: Note to self: Tell grassy more puppy stories when in Vegas.
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