Here is the update on our RunForFunds project thus far. AL has the update that I am mirroring here.

The final cheque for RFF 2007 arrived in June from an Australian friend.
Accounts are officially closed.
Through your generous contributions, a total of $13,390 was raised for D’Joy Children’s Centre.
Thank you for your generosity.
Below are the latest updates.
1. Closing of RFF EDB Chapter Account
Since our last update, I received the official receipt from Geylang Methodist Primary School (GMPS) confirming the receipt of $16,228.82 from the EDB Chapter of RFF. (Note: $16,160.59 was raised. The incremental account was interest earned).
This money will be used for the continued support of the Maximise Your Potential Programme and Pocket Money Fund @ GMPS.
This also means that accounts for EDB Chapter of RFF is closed as all monies raised by EDB has been channeled to charitable purposes.
I’d like to thank Julian Ho for being an excellent custodian of the EDB Chapter funds and I wish the EDB-ians all the best in their charitable work.
I’m glad RFF was able to ignite the EDB-ian’s passion to contribute back to society.
2. Financial Status at 29th June 2008
As per the Oct 07 update, available RFF funds (excluding EDB Chapter funds) were $36,942.52
As the monies were kept in a current account, I’ve applied a 1.0% interest per year (2 years) for unutilized funds and rounded up the figures to $37,700.
You’d also recall that funds for D’Joy will be used exclusively for D’Joy.
Carry over RFF funds from 2007 (non D’Joy): $37,700 …….(1)
D’joy Funds: $13,390 ……. (2)
(1) and (2) will be managed separately.
3. Updates @ D’Joy
The first phase RFF assistance @ D’joy has been targeted at (1) creating better teaching tools (2) setting up an emergency medical fund.
To date, RFF has purchased, amongst other things, a Compaq notebook, Epson LCD projector, Mipro portable PA system, teaching aids and helped pay for an eye checkup for a child from D’Joy.
Total expense: $3,875.90.
You’d recall that D’joy, while extremely well kept and tidy, is in need of a fresh lick of paint and facility improvement.
The remainder of the RFF funds (for D’Joy) $9514.10 could be depleted to fund centre renovation works.
Djoy has applied for state subsidies for these works.
For approved projects by government (MCYS), Djoy is still expected to fork out a percentage of the cost.
RFF will aim to cover this cost.
D’Joy has appointed a new centre director, Charis Ng.
I’ll be working with her re the management of the funds.
Donna Tsang, her predecessor, has been posted Bethany Methodist Nursing Home.
I thank Donna for the help and dedication @ D’Joy.
4. RFF goes to Sembawang Primary School (SPS)
After several meetings with the school welfare staff and principal, I’ve assessed them to have the passion and compassion to help needy students.
As such, RFF will be providing financial assistance to SPS in the following areas.
a. Day care for needy kids
SPS welfare co-ordinator (Jen) shared with me 7 cases (1 pending assessment) that the school is sponsoring, post MCYS grants.
I trust the school’s judgment in sponsoring these cases and I recognize that this will be a huge strain on the school’s finances.
RFF is prepared provide 50% subsidy (up to max of $6,000) to cover 12 months (July 08 to June 09) of day care service for these kids.
Why have I not committed to a longer term.
I believe the kids are placed there due to extenuating circumstances and there is a lack of short term solutions to alleviate their problems.
12 months should be ample time for the families to sort out their difficulties.
It should also buy them time to seek other governmental assistance (if any).
It should also give SPS time to seek other sponsorships to meet this need post June 09.
b. Maximise Your Potential (MYP) programme
This has been implemented successfully at Geylang Methodist Primary School (GMPS) for the past 5 years and will be extended to SPS.
For SPS, Jen and I agreed to pick students from P3 and 4 from the top classes (5 from each standard)
Funds will be set aside to see this batch of kids through primary school. ie. For one pri 3 kid, $350 x 4 years ($1,400) will be set aside.
If I assume the max funding based on 10 kids all Pri 3 (assuming no P4 kid is identified), the total funding will be $14,000.
If there are less than 10 kids identified, it’s fine.
We will also have a yearly award ceremony where the principal, teachers and sponsors get to meet their kids and their families.
c. Drop in centre for kids at risk
A drop in centre @ SPS will be set up to house kids at risk after school hours.
Jen showed me the breakdown of costs for setting up the centre.
RFF will sponsor fixtures ie the table and chairs + shelves ($1,500).
I’ll also source for a table soccer and paying using RFF funds.
d. Medical bill fund + pocket money fund
Details need to be provided and assessed based on the need of the school.
So akan datang here.
If you have further queries or ideas to better aid needy kids, please give me a call.
God bless you all.
- Voxeros
1. THB left...
Monday, 7 July 2008 2:08 pm
Er.. God bless.. 2. JayWalk left...
Monday, 7 July 2008 4:33 pm ::
THB: Er... thanks.
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