"RunForFunds is a very very small project with very small resources. Just the way we want it as it provides versatility and flexibility.
Singapore produces 40,000 babies every year and if 1% of them have some sort of problem gaining access to a proper education, then between Primary 3 to Primary 6, we are talking about 1,600 children here.
Today, we are giving out financial aid to just a mere 15 children (between Primary 3 to 6), which is a mere fraction of the 1,600 number that I just arbitrarily assumed.
But you know what?
15 is better than 14.
In other words, we do whatever we can to help. If we can help 1 kid, we help one 1 kid. If we can help 2 kids, even better. So on and so forth.
We are not here to prove that the Gahmen is not doing their job. They are doing as best as they can do which is itself very commendable. We are just following closely behind and picking those who have slipped through the cracks coz no system is absolutely flawless perfect.
Today, RunForFunds is helping 15 kids. We hope to have more people to set up their own projects and if there is another one set up after today, then perhaps in total, we collectively cover from 15 to 30 kids. If a 3rd group were to be set up, then 45. (Get the math?)
Eventually, if more and more groups were to come up, we may one day be able to cover every hole in the big Gahmen trawling net, thereby making the whole system a little nearer to perfection."
So anyway, below is the report by aL whom I am mirroring from http://runforfunds.blogdrive.com pertaining to the Maximise Your Potential awards held earlier on 13 Sep 2008.
Hi folks,
The 5th Maximize Your Potential Award Ceremony was held @ Geylang Methodist Primary School on 13 Sep 2008, 10am.
Click here to see all the event pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaywalk/sets/72157607263929779/
It was attended by the award recipients, their parents and sponsors & friends of the RunForFunds movement.
The event was graced by GMPS's principal Miss Mabel Wee.
Recipients Jacky Thng and Lim Su Ru kicked off proceedings bidding everyone welcome and introducing the MYP programme.

MYP attendees Jacky and Su Ru, our little MCs
GMPS then gave an update on the progress of the MYP students.
In the past 5 years, the MYP and pocket money fund @ GMPS have supported more than 50 students.
The current batch of primary 6 batch have done well in their academic results, achieving average scores >75%.
This year, we celebrate the influx of new talent into the MYP programme.
There are 8 new MYP award recipients from primary 3 and 4.
If they continue to excel in both academic studies and CCA, coupled with good behaviour, MYP will continue to sponsor them through their primary school education.
Below are the pics of awards (@ $200 posb voucher, $50 book voucher, $100 training grants) handed out by Miss Wee:

Benjamin (P6) Su Ru (P6)

Xiang Wei (P6) Jacky (P6)

Zhiguang (P5) Angie (P5)

Quan Fang (P4) Joyce (P4)

Kelvin (P4) Kok Kwang (P4)

Jee Hui (P4) Hui Ci (P4)

Jun Hsian (P3) Yi En (P3)
I congratulated the students on a job well done and encouraged them to keep up the good work.
I shared with them why doing well in school is like running a marathon: One needs to train hard, be well prepared and NEVER GIVE UP.
I also thanked their parents for working hard and continuing to create the best possible environment to nurture their children's talent, despite challenging financial circumstances.
I related the story of how Chinese philosopher Mencius' mother moved house 3 times to ensure Mencius had the best environment for studies.
I urged the children to thank their parents for their labour of love and honour their parents (as per the 5th commandment that was given to Moses @ Mount Sinai).
Miss Wee presented the friends of RFF with a memento, in appreciation of our contributions.

The "old" batch of MYP winners also presented RFF friends a card, expressing their thanks.

Below is a group pic of the award winners, their parents and teachers.
I'd like to draw special mention to 2 special people, without whom, MYP and pocket money fund @ GMPS would not have been possible.
- Jessie Soh (front row, extreme right)
- Theresa Thong (extreme left).
I thank them for their dedication and love for the kids.

Parting words, (which I shared with RFF friends @ MYP ceremony):
RFF is a private movement and will continue to stay this way.
We will not raise funds from the general public but from friends and family.
It is my wish that more Singaporeans will start their own charity movements to help the needy at times when they need it most (ie. when our government system of support cannot assist).
To do so, there are 2 criteria:
- It starts within: Be the change that you want to see in the world. There needs to be a compelling desire to evoke a change.
- It extends outwards: Making a difference in the lives that you touch. Find a cause that you can identify with and let your desire and passion to help those in need flow through.
Start small. You can't save the world.
How the plans will be executed will come naturally when the above criteria are met.
You will find like minded people (like Mabel, Jessie and Theresa @ GMPS), who will help you further your cause.
Well, that's all folks.
To friends who attended the ceremony, thank for making time.
For those who couldn't make it, there's always next year :-)
- Voxeros
1. sunflower left...
Side track, mee pok so handsome :D
Thursday, 18 September 2008 1:18 pm
Ps, i din manage to come... Side track, mee pok so handsome :D
2. JayWalk left...
Thursday, 18 September 2008 4:24 pm ::
sunflower: No worries. There will always be next year.
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