Saw this featured article in the inflight magazine of Tiger Airways on my recent trip back home.
Take a look and make a guess what's wrong with the picture before scrolling down to see what I think is wrong.
Is it me of does the model on the left have a run in the stocking?
It made me wonder:
- Did the model not notice that she has a run on her stocking when she was putting it on?
- Did the photographer not notice that she has a run on her stocking during the photo shoot?
- Did the editor not notice that she has a run on her stocking during post-editing?
- Or is it just me being swakoo, that the "run" is in fact part of the stocking design?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
JayWalk has a very sharp eye for details, like how he spotted 2 dragonflies in a friend's photograph recently. However, he too has the power to be blind selectively like how to buah bodoh at charboh's hints. Hur hur hur.....
- Voxeros
1. grasshopper left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 7:46 am
I thought it was a reflective shine from the flash of the camera, you know, sometimes stockings can be fancy and glittery. Plus hor, they look like good-looking patrons of the club rather than models. So I think it's one of those hired-cameramen-go-shoot-sexy-patrons kinda photos. If it really is a photoshoot, then really Fail lor. On many levels too. 2. Mistress Grace left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:36 am
Its an obvious RUN lor...I make a point to check for runs in the toilet when i wear stockings. 3. Bub left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:42 am
Its light reflecting off the stockings... stockings look better nude =.=" 4. JayWalk left...
Mistress Grace: So for all you know, that was a picture of real guests whom one of them just really have a stocking run that was captured and circulation to all over the world. FAIL.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:44 am ::
Grasshopper: You know what, it didn't occur to me that it was a candid shot. All along I was under the impression that this was a studio shot. Mistress Grace: So for all you know, that was a picture of real guests whom one of them just really have a stocking run that was captured and circulation to all over the world. FAIL.
5. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:48 am ::
Bub: Light reflecting? In a perfect straight line only to stop exactly at the hem of the skirt? 6. fitti left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 10:28 am
It's the sheen from the stocking that reflected the light. 7. THB left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 11:09 am
I wore stockings to work in the past too. When it gets too busy, you don't have time to change. U can only hope and pray ppl don't notice. If your colleague saw and never tell u then it's obviously sabotage lor.. 8. Mistress Grace left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 12:05 pm
Moral of the story: Wear Air Spray Stockings... 9. JayWalk left...
THB: Would it be worse, if you take them off?
Mistress Grace: Well, I don't think this is a very common item right?
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 1:30 pm ::
fitti: I am not convinced that it is sheen from lighting given that lighting isn't really in abundance in those settings. THB: Would it be worse, if you take them off?
Mistress Grace: Well, I don't think this is a very common item right?
10. spiller left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 5:27 pm
who cares about the one on the left. the one on the right is HOT!! :) 11. Linny. left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 5:50 pm
Boobies. 12. venu5sian left...
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 6:07 pm
the left side girl missing right leg! the picture like cut and paste kena edited .... 13. Bub left...
Try an experiment. It really is the reflection of light. I too once wore stockings like that and am not proud of it! Guess u can imagine why.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008 9:14 pm
It stops at the hem of the skirt cos the skirt covers the rest of the thigh? Try an experiment. It really is the reflection of light. I too once wore stockings like that and am not proud of it! Guess u can imagine why.
14. JayWalk left...
Linny: Where?
venu5sian: She has two legs that just happened to be tucked neatly behind the other girl's leg lah. Otherwise, she would be one girl when helluva fat calf (that is even fatter then her thigh).
Bub: What I meant is that if thats light then how come the light doesn't also illuminate that part of the skirt as well. If you say that theskirt material is not as reflective, then surely it would be a tad brighter. No? Anyway, that's debatable and it's one of those little mysteries that will never get solved. :(
And no. I can't imagine why. Why?
Wednesday, 24 September 2008 9:35 am ::
spiller: You are only saying that coz your are staring at people's cleavage lah. Linny: Where?
venu5sian: She has two legs that just happened to be tucked neatly behind the other girl's leg lah. Otherwise, she would be one girl when helluva fat calf (that is even fatter then her thigh).
Bub: What I meant is that if thats light then how come the light doesn't also illuminate that part of the skirt as well. If you say that theskirt material is not as reflective, then surely it would be a tad brighter. No? Anyway, that's debatable and it's one of those little mysteries that will never get solved. :(
And no. I can't imagine why. Why?
15. 1121 left...
Wednesday, 24 September 2008 9:37 pm
isn't this shown on the tiger airway mag? anyway, it's obviously a run in the stocking la!!!! 16. JayWalk left...
Still, it look like a run to me.
Thursday, 25 September 2008 10:51 am ::
1121: Yes, it was taken off the September 2008 issue of the Tiger Airways magazine. Right now, there is a debate that the line could the sheen reflection as it a quite unthinkable for a publication to make such an amateur mistake. Still, it look like a run to me.
17. stocker left...
Tuesday, 30 September 2008 12:35 am
I am not running away with your conclusion. It's sheer reflection. Tuesday, 30 September 2008 9:35 am ::
Stocker: Perhaps it is just reflection. Perhaps the fact that it was low resolution printing that fuzzes up the details.
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