Movie is available via download at (ed2k). No direct link from here. Just go there and search under the name of the title.

JayWalk: watching Malaysian film "当我们同在一起". Interesting. See them eat A&W, I also hungry.
naeboo: a&w in kl only like, 3-4 branches nia
JayWalk: Problem is.... I just makan dinner only!!!!
naeboo: u fat pig
ToyBoy r3g:: at night got sexercise right? Must eat moreeeeeeeee...
JayWalk: 25 min into the movie and i still dunno what's going on.
bikey: Jin hungry also.
junkie: it's that a children's song?
JayWalk: also a chinese movie (malaysian production). 50 min liao, still catch no ball.
JayWalk: OK.. we come to blue-balls moment. The girl e-brake in the middle of making out, asking who his ex-gf was. Walau... mood killer siah..
naeboo: hahahhahaha
JayWalk: then bf ask gf back who she went out with on wed night? Oh man... makes me wanna kill them both!!
JayWalk: Oh wait... i think we are getting somewhere. mutually apologising liao... MAKE UP SEX!!!!
JayWalk: Alamak, stupid girl ask about the ex-gf again!!! *stab stab stab stab!!!*
naeboo: wtf useless show are u watching??? kill the producers then kill urself pls
JayWalk: Eeyer... now bf drove off liao..... back to PG rated movie. damn....
JayWalk: OK! Bf come back liao.....
naeboo: ....
JayWalk: WALAU!!! Both went straight to sleep??!! HOW CAN!??!
JayWalk: The gf got out of bed to turn off the leaky tap. Wait. Why is she wearing the same t-shirt and jeans from work??!
JayWalk: Which means, the bf wore the office shirt and pants to bed?!! WTF??!!
naeboo: coz she has fish market in btw her legs
JayWalk: is laundry detergent very expensive in Malaysia??
JayWalk: Interesting tidbit. The car in the movie don't have a stereo set.
naeboo: hahahha must be borrowed from some showroom
JayWalk: OK. Movie finish liao and I still catch no ball. BF left in the morning go see another girl. Watch her swim then show ended. WTF??!!
naeboo: waste time nia
Image Credit:
- Voxeros
1. JY left...
Monday, 1 September 2008 1:58 am ::
Oh no. Sounds like some arty farty shite. 2. THB left...
Monday, 1 September 2008 9:53 am ::
... ( -.- ) 3. JayWalk left...
Monday, 1 September 2008 11:01 am ::
JY: Not arty. More like Farty Shite.
THB: WAD???!!!
THB: WAD???!!!
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