He was invited by Alpha Male's company to make guest appearances over the weekend as the company was having some event promotion. Naturally, during the night, we were all roped in to entertain this VIP.
Being a celebrity of sorts in Spitland and back in Ta1wan, I was surprised how friendly and down to earth this person was. I guess when all guards are down, the guard against drinking too much went out the window too.
Next thing I remembered, I was stumbling my way to Hong Kong to meet up with Deek, Deek Wife and my GodSon Troy.
We decided to head up to The Peak for lunch and with good weather on a Sunday and Deek's big assed DSLR, the choice was as clear as the HongKong sky albeit rare.
Soup and salad was my choice for lunch and stole a couple of slices of Parma ham and cheese pizza sprinkled with black truffles.
Truffles... mmmm..... heaven. Not exactly top notched truffles but fragrantly yummy nevertheless.
After lunch, we decided to take a walk up to the Sky Terrace to work off the lunch as well as to take some really awesome pictures of the Hong Kong skyline.
Time flies when you are having a good time and I soon find myself having to leave at 4pm to make it back for dinner with the VIP and even more drinks thereafter.
I dragged CowBoyCaleb along with me that evening and I am proud to confer him the title of the LongKang Fairy Award of the Ch1na Order the morning after.
That however, would be another story, another time.
- Voxeros
1. ot left...
Monday, 15 September 2008 11:57 pm
U guys need to sex each other up. 2. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 16 September 2008 2:11 am ::
ot: Ewwww..... no.
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