Though I didn't get to play tennis last Saturday due to work commitments, I nevertheless trooped down to join the rest of the gang at around 4pm when I was done with my work.
It was one of those times where it is too early for dinner but too late to start anything else.
And besides, at 4pm, the guys are probably dying of thirst and I thought why not just grab a few bottles of 100-Plus en route?
And so we were done with tennis for the day as they all headed upstairs to hit the showers. Thereafter, some of us venture out to tao-pao dinner back. Tennis Gal, if you still remember her from here and here, was with me with the buying of the food.
As we were standing around waiting for our food to be ready, my eyes started to wander and to soak in the rustic sights.
And when it's when I turned around when I saw this beautiful sight of 万家灯火.

- Voxeros
1. sunflower left...
I din know lor 5 so nice.. tat is just behind my block
Monday, 5 January 2009 11:30 pm
walau yr pic... very well taken. I din know lor 5 so nice.. tat is just behind my block
2. JayWalk left...
Monday, 5 January 2009 11:38 pm ::
sunflower: Could be better had I brought my Lumix along. I took this using my E90. 3. ahtiong73 left...
Tuesday, 6 January 2009 1:28 am
jin nice 4. JayWalk left...
Tuesday, 6 January 2009 10:51 pm ::
AhTiong73: Thanks! 5. Chocolate gal left...
Tuesday, 6 January 2009 11:45 pm
Nice photo.. The angle of the block formed an interesting layout.. 6. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 7 January 2009 11:01 pm ::
Chocolate Gal: I like the symmetry. It's what captured my attention. 7. Gingerbreadman left...
And, nice photo. Is it me or is the lights unusually bright?
Thursday, 8 January 2009 10:32 pm
The fishball noodles is famous right., but I find it so-so only leh. And, nice photo. Is it me or is the lights unusually bright?
8. JayWalk left...
Monday, 12 January 2009 6:39 pm ::
Gingerbread Man: Don't know about the fish ball noodle there. Half the stalls sell chicken wings and satay. Dunno why they like to kill each other by selling the same things. It is rather bright as I was there early evening where we still have a bit of day light.
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