Next thing we knew, he covered his ears with his pair of wet hands (yuck!), squatted down, hiding his head between his knees and started whimpering.
My heart just sank at that very moment...
... coz I just saw the future.
He will have to fend for himself on his own. It will come to a point when he does something wrong unknowingly and end up having people yell or worse beat him.
What happened in the bathroom, I foresee is what will play out in the future where he does not know how to take care of himself, let alone defend himself.
May God have mercy on you. Gabe.
- Voxeros
1. Paperman left...
Then again, with a dad like that, normal isn't enough.
Let's all hope Gabe will mature into a mini-Jaywalk.
Thursday, 28 May 2009 12:32 am :: http://papermanonline.blogspot.com
Time is on Gabriel's side. With the right training and education, I'm confident he can live a self sufficient life. Just keep those kiasi, kiasu, ignorant parents/teachers away. Then again, with a dad like that, normal isn't enough.
Let's all hope Gabe will mature into a mini-Jaywalk.
2. msvindicta left...
he'll turn out fine, don't worry. as long as god's watching over him. :)
Thursday, 28 May 2009 12:58 am
i'm sure people out there would understand and be more tolerant towards gabriel. he'll turn out fine, don't worry. as long as god's watching over him. :)
3. JF left...
Thursday, 28 May 2009 10:14 am
Hey , dun be discouraged. he's still young, i m very sure he will learn more and alot along his formative years.. dunch worry even when u r not ard, u still have plenty of friends to be relied on. 4. Old Beng left...
I am quite sure he will be fine when he grows up.
Thursday, 28 May 2009 10:59 am
Maybe you shouldn't have yelled at him at the stage of impulse? I am quite sure he will be fine when he grows up.
5. Nerak left...
Thursday, 28 May 2009 12:14 pm
I feel you. Let's just hope Singapore's educating our future generation correctly. I know I will. And you did a fine job as a daddy. :) 6. Everton left...
Saturday, 30 May 2009 5:41 am
人生的路很長你要堅強勇敢的走下去 ... 加油 ... 天父上帝會與你同在 7. JayWalk left...
msvindicta: More people are starting to understand autism more as we are seeing more and more cases of this. Problem is that it takes one bigot to ruin everybody's day.
JF: Well, yes and no. While it's good to have friends around to help out, ultimately one still need to be self reliant as one cannot always depend on other people for help.
Old Beng: Being autistic, it is really hard to get his attention, if at all. I guess yelling was just an instinctive reaction from us. Well, not exactly yelling but more of a loud exclamation.
nerak & everton: Thanks for the encouragements.
Saturday, 30 May 2009 1:02 pm ::
Paperman: I do not harbour any hopes that he will one day catch up with the rest of the normal kids, if at all. Instead I rather let him grow at his own pace but problem is that would it be good enough? msvindicta: More people are starting to understand autism more as we are seeing more and more cases of this. Problem is that it takes one bigot to ruin everybody's day.
JF: Well, yes and no. While it's good to have friends around to help out, ultimately one still need to be self reliant as one cannot always depend on other people for help.
Old Beng: Being autistic, it is really hard to get his attention, if at all. I guess yelling was just an instinctive reaction from us. Well, not exactly yelling but more of a loud exclamation.
nerak & everton: Thanks for the encouragements.
8. fitti left...
Monday, 1 June 2009 9:38 am
I teach autistic children on a daily basis and my 2.5 years old nephew is autistic as well. With early intervention, they will adapt to the environment just fine. There is no 100% cure but they will definitely improve. Patience is the key. Parents must stay strong and united to do this together. There will be trials and errors so don't fret. 9. Mistress Grace left...
Tuesday, 2 June 2009 9:22 am
I think to be fair, autistic children has a fair chance if early intervention is given. Patience is the key word. I can understand that every parents has expectations of their children, but sometimes the expectations needs to be managed. We all want the best for our children but sometimes we overshadow their needs with our expectations. 10. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 3 June 2009 10:58 pm ::
fitti & mistress grace: Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Read my subsequent entry. 11. Joyce left...
Wednesday, 22 July 2009 3:01 am
If I had a parent like you... I would be the happiest little girl growing up. 12. JayWalk left...
Friday, 24 July 2009 11:47 am ::
Joyce: Oh you flatter me. If you know me better, I am a long way from being a decent parent.
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