It was in the news and a shock to the entire nation that Ah Meng has passed away at the grand old age of 48 years old on 7th February 2008.
Ah Meng was a female Sumatran Orang Utan who first stepped into the Singapore Zoological Gardens way back in 1971 and has been the icon of the zoo since.
Despite being an Orang Utan, the people of Singapore has always regarded the Grand Dame as one of us and her passing was indeed sad news for everybody.
Click Here for the official press release by the Singapore Zoological Gardens.
(Extracted from the press release)
"Ah Meng will be reposed at Garden With A View from 9-11am on 10 February (Sunday) for members of the public wishing to visit her for the last time.
There will also be a memorial service held in tribute of Ah Meng. Details of the service are as follows:
There will also be a memorial service held in tribute of Ah Meng. Details of the service are as follows:
- Venue: Garden With A View, Singapore Zoological Gardens
- Day / Date: Sunday, 10 February 2008
- Time: 11am"
Farewell, Ah Meng. Farewell.
Image Credit: http://www.smh.com.au
- Voxeros
1. Chocolate gal left...
Tuesday, 19 February 2008 10:55 pm
Errr... i thought she died on 8 feb?? *scratch head* 2. JayWalk left...
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 11:03 am
ChocolateGal: It was 7 Feb. The press release was 8 Feb. Wednesday, 20 February 2008 8:33 pm
Sorry, my mistake for not highlighting why i asked... u put died on 7th Jan, instead of Feb.. :p
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