Had I been in Taobaoland, I would have easily resolve the problem as I have The Thief (see right) just for such an occasion.
Alas, I am back home in my kitchen with a bottle of wine with a fragmented cork, which I had no choice but to push it through.
A quick rummage through the drawers and cabinets I found the solution courtesy of a coffee sock and a coffee pot.
With the coffee sock in the coffee pot, I proceed to pour the entire bottle into the pot through the sock and straining out the cork bits en route.

The shape of my coffee pot, being one with a wide flat base actually doubles up as a pretty good wine decanter.
Wide surface area for the wine to interact with the air. Perfect!
Yes, granted that compared with the actual McGyver who gets himself out of life-and-death situations, I nevertheless still took a step back and marvel at my own genius.
Yeah. I am quite shameless sometimes.
Image Credit: http://www.wineware.co.uk; http://s4.hubimg.com
- Voxeros
join the club! i'm equally shameless and not ashamed of it! a self-pat at the back a day keeps the doctor away. so says Dr Fry. or Quack Fry.
I believe u hv no prob finishing it in one sitting...haha!
Yes, indeed I did. Besides, storing the wine would be such a headache.
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