My last pair of Nike tennis shoes is finally dead and replaced by my newly acquired Adidas Barricade 6.0.
I anyhowly bought the pair at Queensway simply because I needed a pair to play tennis when I am back and given that I only only 4 times a year, it is hard to take my shoe shopping very seriously. That was until I returned in 2009 before I really punished it with tennis marathons that at one time, I played a whopping 10 hours in the glorious sun (with breaks and lunch in between).
So after 4 years, it finally gave way. Not bad for a $50 pair of shoes.
I fondly remembered my first pair of Nike Waffles. I picked up running partly to rid myself of anemia and partly also to siam having to perform First Aid duty during school runs. Those St John Ambulance uniforms are really a bitch to be wearing under the hot sun.
Eventually, I switched my running shoes to Asics as it is a tad wider which suits my broad feet better. I am using the GT-2140 at the moment.
So with the final pair of Nike tennis shoes in the trash can. I bid Nike adieu for now and thanks for 25 years of good service.
Perhaps another pair of Nike in the future? Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.
Image Credits: http://www.finishline.com; http://www.polyvore.com
- Voxeros