So before I begin, I would like to go on HTC Wildfire phone to give you a perspective of the eggs' size but somehow the picture just didn't tell a convincing story, even with a can of Coke next to it. *shrugs*
* Took another shot and hopefully shows the size better. (See right).
The eggs were bought out of curiosity due to their tiny size.
I have to use 6 of them to make a decent half-boiled egg breakfast. I was told that some of these eggs have two yolks in the already super cramped interior but I personally have not had to chance to see one myself.
In all, my verdict of my 6-egg breakfast is
Sibeh Waste Time.
Apparently, 6 eggs don't really enough "egg" in it to fulfill a decent egg's content.
I will try 8 eggs next time.
- Voxeros