I woke up this morning and looked out the window, only to see nothing but a patch of whiteness. Initially, I thought it was the condensation on the windows but it turned out that the window glass was clear.
It was heavy fog.
Visibility, as you can see from the screen cap on the right is somewhere between 500m to 2 km.
A check on my phone app (I recommend 天气通 by Sina.com for smartphone users who wants accurate weather for QQland. MyObservatory by Hong Kong Observatory for Hong Kong weather and Accuweather for other parts of the world. The default Weather app is, in my opinion, pretty "meh".)
It is a ritual for me to check the outside temperature on my phone before I head out. First reason is, of course, to figure out what to wear or bring along. The second is more of a mental preparation for that moment you step out the front door.

Usually, the temperature will rise as you advance into the day but it was quite nippy today, even at noon as a result of the sun ray's inability to penetrate the thick fog.
I foresee the temperature getting cooler over the next few days and perhaps this is the last we'll see temperature going above 20 degrees Celsius this year.
I was told that the period between 1 Nov and 15 Nov is the worst as the mercury is set to drop but public heating (powered by natural gas) isn't scheduled to kick in until 15 Nov.
Perhaps, it is good timing that I am posting back early November that I'll escape the cold North winter.
- Voxeros
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