Time really flies and before you know it, we are into our eleventh year.
Wow. Eleven.
Anyway, here's the report of the Maximise Your Potential Award Ceremony held 6 weeks ago with a brief statement of accounts of our current finances.
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REPORT: 11th Maximize Your Potential Award Ceremony (12th April 2014)
The 11th Maximize Your Potential (MYP) award ceremony was held on 12th April, 10 am @ Geylang Methodist School (Primary).
Present were 21 MYP award recipients (11 of them are prefects!), their parents/guardians, supporters of Run For Funds and GMSP teachers-in-charge.
(Note: To date, 86 students have received the MYP award)
Mrs Rina Liang, Principal GMSP, kicked off proceedings with a welcome message. She told the parents and students that they should be very proud of their achievement thus far. The recipients were selected for MYP based on their academic performance and good behavior.
Amongst the supporters who attended, there were 2 SuperFriends (who have run to raise funds for MYP).
Meng Hwei, a pioneer SuperFriend, ran a full 42km marathon in 2003.
Byron, our newest SuperFriend, ran 21km in December 2013 and raised $2,061 for MYP.
In his address to the recipients, Byron shared that we are created with unique talents and we must put these talents to good use i.e. help others and contribute to society. He also shared, like running, the students need to persevere when the going gets tough and never give up.
Adrian shared with the students the importance and joys of giving. He encouraged the students to make a difference to people around them with acts of kindness, peer tutoring etc. The simplest way is to give others a smile to brighten their day. Adrian also reminded the students that they, like their predecessors, have the right foundations to succeed in the future. He profiled success stories of MYP recipients who have qualified for tertiary studies in law, actuary, accountancy, hospitality. He urged the students to aim high, work hard and don't give up.
The MYP Awards were then presented to the students by Rina, Henry Tan (pioneering RFF supporter) and Byron.
Event ended with a tea reception + group photo taking.
$21,000 was donated in March 2013 to GMSP to fund MYP award for another 3 years (2013-2015).
As per past practice, I donated the money from the stand-alone RFF bank account using a cheque in my name.
As a result, I received a tax credit for making a donation to the school.
I'm recycling back the tax benefit of $10,500 in my recent tax assessment (from making the $21,000 donation) back to RFF account.
RFF account as of 29th May 2014 = $18.076.19 + $10,500 =$28,576.19
Special Thanks
Special thanks go out to the following people:
Theresa Thong and Jessie Soh – Your labour of love and persistence over the past 11 years has impacted 86 young lives and their families.
Rina and the staff of GMSP – Thank you for making a difference to the lives of students @ GMSP. The commitment and dedication of your staff in a demographically challenged Geylang district will leave an indelible mark in these young lives.
RFF supporters – As always, thanks for your support, prayers and contributions all these years.

Winners of MYP award 2014 with their proud parents/guardians and teachers-in-charge
--> Click Here To See The Rest Of The Album (Not as many pictures this year as there was a slight "mishap" with the digital camera. We were fortunate to be able to salvage whatever is left. Oh well. We'd be more careful next year. Onward to the 12th!
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- Voxeros